Words of Power in NAP

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Words of Power in NAP

Post#1 » Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:02 am

The Words of Power combine the name of a sephiroth with one of the letters of the Tetragrammaton.

For example:

YECHOEL (Yay Koh Ell) and LEHAHIAH (Lay Ha He Ah), Hear Me and Obey. I Seal this Command with the Word of Power: BEEN AH HEH (BINAH + HEH).

KEVEQIAH (Kay Vay Key Ah) and MENDIAL (Main Dee All), I Command This of Thee in the Authority of the Word of Power: KESS SED HEH (CHESED + HEH).

ANIEL (Ah Knee El) and CHAAMIAH (Kah Ah Me Ah), Obey Me With this Word of Power: GAY BOO RAH VAHV (GEBURAH + VAV).

DAMBAYAH (Dam Bah Yah) and MENQAL (Main Call), Go with the Word of Power: MAL COOT VAHV (MALKUTH + VAV).

SAITEL (Say Eat Ell) and OLMIAH (Ole Me Ah), I Seal this Command with the Word of Power: TEE FAR ATE YOD (TIPHARETH + YOD).

Where did Geoff Gray-Cobb learn these Words of Power from? What is the logic behind combining the name of a sephiroth with a letter from the Tetragrammation to seal commands?

Any information appreciated. Thanks.

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Magister Templi
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Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#2 » Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:58 am

I never got into NAP but you seem to be onto something. I am curious aboutthe context however. Can you link the chant to the context it is meant to reflect in the attributes to the particular sephira. For example
"ANIEL (Ah Knee El) and CHAAMIAH (Kah Ah Me Ah), Obey Me With this Word of Power: GAY BOO RAH VAHV (GEBURAH + VAV). " Can we link the context that this chant is used in or the purpose of the ritual to the attributes of Geburah? ANd what of Aniel (aka Haniel)? isn't Aniel more associated with Netzach? Or was the ritual more of Netzach's domain? if so why is geburah there?

I am not getting at you. I just cannot understand what the author was thinking. Yet if it works what can I say?
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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#3 » Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:58 am

Here is the context:

Use this Ritual only against an enemy of the opposite sex. It is effective against lies, spite and slander. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual plus the Circulation Ritual then say:

“By the Power invested in me, I command Thee, Aniel and Chaamiah, to close the mouth and eyes of [name of enemy] who maligns me. Visit him/her while they sleep, and plant fright and dread, such that he/she no
longer slanders me.

Obey me with this Word of Power: GAY-BOORAH-VAHV. So mote it be.”


Aniel and Chaamiah are the 37th and 38th angels of the Shemhamphorash. It is uncertain whether Aniel is the same as Anael, the archangel of Netzach.

I suspect the name of the sephiroth plus letter of the Tetragrammaton serves as an “orientation” to the petitioned entity for how the command should manifest.

Hence “Geburah” signifies the war-like nature of the command (“close the mouth and eyes of XYZ who maligns me…plant dread and fright,” etc) and the “Vav” signifies this attack should manifest on the plane of Yetzirah (“visit him/her while they sleep”).

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Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#4 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:59 pm

I've never worked with the NAP and am somewhat familiar with the Tetragrammaton, but figured I'd chime in anyway.

I'd have to agree with the OP here in saying they appear to be "directions" or conditionals in regards to how the magic manifests. I can definitely see how this specifies things, a little like coordinates in a way yet functioning more like the conditionals I mentioned.

It could also have to do with the attributes of that sphere in addition to the type of power lent by a letter in the Tetragrammaton. A ritual on the vibrational/sound level, in other words- combining the aspects of certain places, with all of their attributes involved, and then used as an adhesive or propellant to kick the ritual into action or ensure success.

Nonetheless, if it works, it works, and it'd be interesting to experiment with creating one's own words of power. Less personal, but more of a mixture of different energies. A vibration that is, in other words, the "start button" by bringing a cocktail of energy, specifically designed for this purpose, to play.

An interesting idea.

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Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#5 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:53 pm

Great catch Tai! I'm not sure that is the formula he used for all of it though. For Ielahiah the word of power is Nab-Rat-Agla-Sure-An-At. The back of the book ones work exactly like you describe, the ones in the front seem a little different. I don't see the pattern for those, but the pattern you caught might be a clue for them. There's God names worked in like Agla (spelled different ways for different spirits), and the ones associated with the Middle Pillar, like Adonai-Ha-Aretz. But the other parts of the WoP are beyond me. But, it doesn't take much to be beyond me.

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Lady Eva
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Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#6 » Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:30 am

Sevarn wrote:Nonetheless, if it works, it works, and it'd be interesting to experiment with creating one's own words of power. Less personal, but more of a mixture of different energies. A vibration that is, in other words, the "start button" by bringing a cocktail of energy, specifically designed for this purpose, to play.

I'm working on this right now with Enochian words, I'll only post more on that theory if I get results on it, but I'm putting the principle out here for other people to explore as a possible source for creating your own words.
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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: Words of Power in NAP

Post#7 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:08 am

lefty wrote:For Ielahiah the word of power is Nab-Rat-Agla-Sure-An-At.

The phonetic writing for some of the Words of Power render them difficult to decipher. I only recognise AGLA in the above sequence. Possibly spirit guides taught some of this information to Geoff Gray Cobb.

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