Just want to know

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Just want to know

Post#1 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 10:55 pm

Ok.... Im drunk and stoned right now, and see things are not moving in the direction i want them to. I want to do some rituals but just need to know if others while drinking smoking have have envoked while under the influence have noticed their workings are better or worst form their outcome.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Re: Just want to know

Post#2 » Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:29 pm

Hey, Summarland, let me first of all cheer with you!

You know, If I drink I drink only with true people.

Otherwise, I avoid drinking all together.

There are quite a few drinking friendly spirits that I have met.

Let me check it out for you.

jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Re: Just want to know

Post#3 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:29 am

Actually the idea sounds attractive since Im always quite relaxed after a few drinks.
However I never seem to get around to it because I get easily distracted by something else.Also, when doing ritual work I think its best to concentrate on the invocation since your calling beings from other realms.
I may still give it a try and see what happens.I think a great buzz is fine but to get shitfaced and mispronounce the name of the Spirit might be warranting disrespect from that entity.
But if you want to drink a pint of Jagermeister and summon Elubatel go right ahead.Let me know your results. :o

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Re: Just want to know

Post#4 » Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:26 am

Sorry, I am not so familiar with NAP spirits, but here is something from my experience with Arator.

197. Arator (17° Libra)

Faculty: Alcoholic drinks

Abramelin the Mage names him: Arator

Evocation: I offered to Arator a glass of slivovitz and went out of my hotel room. Having spent four months in Turkey, it was my last day in that country. Influenced by Arator, I decided to take a longer walk. I made a plan to find a shop where I could buy beer. However, that was not easy to find in Konya, because that city of over 1 million people had less than 100 shops licensed to sell alcohol. I walked for more than two hours without finding the right shop and my promenade took me to the suburban parts of the city. Finally, I found my shop and bought two bottles of beer. Just as I left the shop, I found myself exactly at the same place where I had been in my dream five months before, the night before I had left for Turkey. It was the same bus station, the identical empty street, the equal dusty road and the same dirty fields as in my dream. The deserted playgrounds were in front of me and the grey blocks of buildings beyond me – just like in my dream. The bus number in my dream had been 104 which I had interpreted as number 5 - the sign of Mars – and indeed my life in Turkey proved to be under the sign of that planet. Still under impression about being at the exact place as in my dream, I slowly turned around to see what number was written at the bus station. It was 103! It was a near miss of one number. I guessed it was a lucky miss. I calculate this as number 4 - the sign of Chesed and Jupiter. Arator took me for a ride around the city and my quest for a bottle of beer brought me to the place where dreams and reality join together. This was my last night in Konya. I took my beer before I went to sleep. I cheered to Arator and thanked him for an interesting day.

Arator’s subordinate spirits like to see people in a good mood and to make them happy. Each alcoholic drink has its own class of spirits and their own masters. Spirits of beer are often melancholic. Spirits of wine are famous for their gaiety. Spirits of whiskey are real gentlemen, but can be brutal if they get out of their mind. Brandies may be female or male, depending on fruit they are made of. Those spirits are partly artificial, which means that they are a mixed between natural spirits and manmade egregorae. However, there are also many human beings among Arator’s subordinate spirits. They used to be drunkards when they were alive and as it seems that that was their only sin, they have a chance to continue with this practice until they get tired of it.

Arator’s counter-genius: The differences between Arator and his counter-genius are obvious. If the magician is a moderate drinker and enjoys his drink - then he is under Arator's influence. But if he is a notorious alcoholic, then he is under the influence of his counter-genius. We often attract either heads or their counter-genii with our own deeds and decisions. Arator's and his counter-genius example with alcohol is very obvious, but the same principle applies to many other heads of the Earth Zone.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1618

Re: Just want to know

Post#5 » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:45 am

I think there is a large difference between having a drink or taking a toke or two with a spirit and being high and drunk and summoning.

If you think about things and make the same decisions while drunk and high that you would when completely sober, go for it.

Anytime we do magic we are doing it from a state of mind. This altered state can be caused with or without drugs, and will be reflected in your outcomes. To what degree, no one can say, it is individual. But always your results reflect the state of the magician, it is how it is.

Each altered state is different. When I summon I put myself in an altered state completely sober. These results are different than if I were to do the same but from a more shamanistic or deeper state (still sober) and experiences and outcomes are both different when I am in a state brought on by an external influence. Better? Worse? Meh...for me, it is simply different. For others the differences may be more striking either way.
Live lightly.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2336

Re: Just want to know

Post#6 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:42 pm

:goodpost It's like you took the thought out of my mind and put it into words. :D

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: Just want to know

Post#7 » Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:33 am

Personally I can't do any work while drunk....the only thing I can do after having a drink is fall asleep :)

Marijuana... the first 2 hours after a toke is spent in an anxious, tense state of unfocused semi-panic and warped introspection. However after that initial feeling goes away, I find my inner focus is increased, and I'm able to "feel" the universe a bit better.

TO sum it all up, for me, personally, sober is the best.

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Re: Just want to know

Post#8 » Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:53 pm

Dynamis has been a very friendly energy when it comes to the herb. smoking tends to get me paranoid but workin with Dynamis it changed the experience all together. A calm alfa-male feeling.

i highly recomend eating the herb and doing a bornless invocation(note to noobs- dont) this gave me a wonderful beutiful experience. my experience was about surfing through the multiverse and getting information from other paralell existances. but i forgot my pen...

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Just want to know

Post#9 » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:08 pm

johnblend wrote:Dynamis has been a very friendly energy when it comes to the herb. smoking tends to get me paranoid but workin with Dynamis it changed the experience all together. A calm alfa-male feeling.

i highly recomend eating the herb and doing a bornless invocation(note to noobs- dont) this gave me a wonderful beutiful experience. my experience was about surfing through the multiverse and getting information from other paralell existances. but i forgot my pen...

Thank you johnblend....I havent done the bornless in a very long time.....When first experimenting with this invocation i did it 3 times in a row.....What a rush.................I felt the chair spinning uncontrollable. I dont think getting drunk or stoned is a good idea. I have had a drink before to relax me, But when I envoke Nitika i feel stoned out of my mind. I was just drunk and stoned when I wrote this topic and thought about it at the time.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Re: Just want to know

Post#10 » Sat Aug 29, 2015 9:27 am

I just wanted to know what and how much classifies as a "few drinks"?I heard there's friendly and not-so-friendly spirits out there thar can be released out of every bottle.Please let me know so I can relax better while performing my rituals.

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