An experience with African spirits?

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An experience with African spirits?

Post#1 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:19 pm

I had an experience a few months that I would like to share in hopes of receiving some thoughts and perceptions on it.

I had preformed an intensive exercise from Christopher Hyatt's Undoing Yourself with Energized Mediation earlier in the evening, and had just settled down to sleep. Other than experiencing the weak residual effects of having smoked a small quantity of cannabis early in the evening, I was of a lucid and sober mindset. As I was lying in the darkness, I suddenly felt a strong affect come over me, a peculiar sensation of which could only describe as if I had broken through invisible, astral membrane, to use a highly abstract metaphor. At this occurred, the material semblance of the objects in my room underwent a "pneumamorphism" [a portmanteau for taking on the form of a spirit], which, to me, seemed to resemble the faces and bodies of African spirits. The surface of the walls, bed, furniture, were permeated by the faces and bodies of these spirit entities, like a thick veil over everything. The faces reminded of the tribal voodoo masks of Africa, or perhaps elsewhere? After 5 minutes of just watching the volatile shapeshifting of forms and faces, in a states of fear mind you, everything returned to the state as it was prior.

They reminded of the entities I imagined from the descriptions of African spirits in Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Some, an African shaman of the indigenous Dagara people residing in Barkina Faso. Any thoughts as to what this phenomenon could be or even perhaps symbolize?

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