How to do Vodou/Santeria/Hoodoo @ Western Mages

Vodou, Palo Mayombe, Kimbanda, Umbanda, Candomble, Catimbo, 21 Divisions, Santeria, etc.

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How to do Vodou/Santeria/Hoodoo @ Western Mages

Post#1 » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:38 pm

If you live in the western world, and practice ceremonial magick, ...& Vodou, Santeria, etc intrigued you...............

But if you read/heard/seen on TV that you have to be Haitian or Cuban to partake in these powerful currents of power....or you must be Initiated to participate in these rituals....keep reading.

You can use these spirits just as you use the Solomonic Grimoire entities

A Triangle, oils/herbs that resonate with the Loa/Orisha you are summoning, and the sigil of the Loa/Orisha you are calling, drawn on parchment paper, with ink.

Draw the veve/sigil, put it in the triangle, along with herbs, etc of the spirit's correspondences. There's many books and internet sites that will guide you. Use your instinct and imagination to make valid substitutions if you can not find exact correspondences.

Dress a candle, with appropriate oils.
Write your request along the perimeter of the triangle.
Put the veve in triangle, along with herbs, etc

Go to alpha state/gnosis
Raise energy
Connect with veve, and 'open it'...see it glowing...when the lines start 'changing' the spirit's name.

Give request, along with a trade off- what you will do for the spirit ONCE it accomplishes YOUR task, including, deadlines, etc

Ground yourself - eat something.


Despite what some ATR traditionalists will say, this will work.

Results depend on your ability, and nothing more.

Respect all spirits, and they will respect, you

Evoke Often!

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