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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 518


Post#1 » Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:53 am

I would like preface this post by stating that my practice consists solely of Trithemian based Goetia workings and witchcraft within a loosely Catholic paradigm. Though I have experimented with some other dieties in the past, mainly Hecate, I no longer branch outside of the Abrahamic worldview when it comes to magic. I also haven't had a daily practice in years and tend only to work sorcery when the need arises.

I heard of Kurukulla whilst listening to one of Jason Miller's course years ago. He had mentioned the spirit in passing. I recall doing a brief wiki and Google image search on the spirit and that was it. I never delved too deep into its history nor had I any intention of working any magic with it. I already had a full list of dead god's (the Lemegeton), angels, NAP spirits, and Hecate (at that time), that I could call upon for the any of the many challenges life throws our way.

Over the years I would forget Kurukulla's name, though I would recognise it's image if it appeared online or in pop culture (Persona 5). That was until yesterday morning when she appeared vividly in the most profound dream. I can think of no reason why she chose to appear to me. I know nothing about Tibetan Buddhism or any such practices associated with her, and on the surface there is nothing she can provide that I couldn't get from Astaroth/Hecate should I need it. I also don't know what I have that she might want.

A quick search of her name on the forum yields only a few but valuable threads. Some state that to work that path one would need 'empowerments' from enlightened masters (scam artists) who charge extortionate amounts of money in exchange for them. Feck that. At this point I don't have the time or interest to study and work a new paradigm, though who knows, that may change in future. So instead, if I choose to work with the spirit, I will do so with simple prayer and offering to begin with. I would do so being mindful that she was a goddess in her own right before being integrate into her current pantheon. The only thing putting me off working with her is that she appeared frankly, quite demonic, and 'hot'. 'Goddess' or not, the crimson skin and tusked teeth would be a glaring red flag to any sane individual. Nevertheless, I want to share the experience simply because it was really fecking cool! And totally unexpected. Note that I had forgotten its name and barely knew of its existence prior to the dream which is as follows;

"Exiting the driveway to ********** I am faced with an enormous open wooden platform. On the platform is a large, toned red skinned demon with four arms and tusk teeth. Her skin is a vibrant shade of red and the dream is incredibly vivid. More so than reality. She is dancing strangely, the movement of her four arms is entrancing and she is quite frankly terrifying and powerful. I get on my knees and pray to KURUKULLA, the deity before me. I don't know how but I just know that's it's name. A part of me feels guilty and ashamed for praying to a God who isn't YHVH. I feel like I have disappointed him. But the power from the being dancing before me on the platform is immense. I wake and recite its name in my mind as the dream fades."

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