Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

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Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#1 » Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:13 am

So I decided to kick off 2023 by purging my workplace of undesireables.

Long story short, there's a manipulative coworker at my job who needed to be taken down a peg or two. Preferably taken out of the situation completely. He gets away with a long list of bad behaviour because he sucks up to the managers.

I decided to perform the Astral Bomb Ritual for 7 days, just to see how it goes.

I started with the NAP relaxation ritual and the central pillar. Then I used the Defensive Armor Ritual rite three times, before using the Astral Bomb Ritual. I would finish with the de-hay-thooth gesture.

During the Astral Bomb Ritual, I would name the target and command to “diminish him” destroy his reputation, and get him to leave me alone or something along those lines.

For the first few days, when I was back at work, he seemed to have calmed down with his BS. Not much happened – he seemed to have left me alone at least, although not so much other people.

Another interesting thing is that during my time at work, after performing this ritual, he just seemed so small and insignificant to me. Everything he did just rolled off my back like it was nothing. Like he wasn't even worth the effort.

But he was still there, and nothing more seemed to be happening to him. I wondered if the defensive armor chant was working, but the astral bomb possibly wasn't.

Then on Saturday, something interesting happened.

I volunteer at an arts charity on Saturday afternoons. One of the other volunteers is someone I have set my sights on – another malicious individual who would improve the atmosphere by not being there. I wanted to deal with him magically at some point, but I didn't consider him to be a high priority.

That Saturday, he wasn't there, and I met his wife who told me that he had been hospitalized after his eye went completely red with some kind of rare infection. He could be out of the picture for a while.

So this is interesting. Did the spirits of the Astral Bomb Ritual decide that this guy was a more important target than the guy at my day job? As if the spirits were saying “never mind that douchebag at work, this guy is the real problem.”

OR perhaps it was my phrasing during the ritual? The chant itself targets just anyone who is my enemy. I added a mention of my desired target, talking about “diminishing him” and destroying his reputation.

In doing this was I too specific? In naming my main target, was I restricting what I wanted to happen to that target, while the other target who I wasn't even thinking about got the full treatment?

The other possibility is lust of result. I wanted Target A to go down, but instead Target B, who I don't think about as much and has been relegated to the back of my mind, got taken down.

I would be interested to hear what you guys think about this result. I'm still picking it apart myself. I can't help but wonder if there was a more effective way of performing the Astral Bomb ritual.

Posts: 152

Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#2 » Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:44 pm

Now this is the sort of thing I like to read about.

Does Target B give you more problems than Target A? If the force of the rite is meant to go for whoever is your bigger enemy, then it would make sense the spirits would go for the bigger problem first, and simply help in diminishing the effect your first target has on you.
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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#3 » Wed Jan 18, 2023 2:33 pm

barshlomo wrote:Does Target B give you more problems than Target A?

Good question. My main target was less aggressive and more underhanded than the guy who got that disease. I only see Target B once a week, so I don't think about him as much. The chant itself references “those who wish to harm me”, and perhaps the entities involved decided that Target B was a more worthy target? If I had to see him every day, perhaps he would be worse to deal with.

The guy at my day job does seem to have a lot of pent-up anger, none of which he expresses to anyone's faces, but instead resorts to spreading gossip and slander. He seems to have a problem with almost everyone. I could happily just walk away from him if we didn't have to share an office.

Another interesting thing, on the first night that I performed the Astral Bomb chant, I had a dream about the day job guy. I was in a pub with some coworkers, including the target. As I went to leave the pub, he left with me, and he seemed quite friendly. He told me that I don't talk to him enough. I couldn't be bothered to explain that there's a reason for that. I woke up feeling no anger towards him, and for the rest of the week, he just seemed insignificant to me.

I wondered if that dream was purely psychological or if there was something else going on. Some kind of spiritual force encouraging me to back down? Perhaps diminishing or neutralizing him in my mind? A bit of both? I don't know, I'm still thinking about this result.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#4 » Sat Jan 21, 2023 6:33 pm

Pengersw1ck wrote:I wondered if that dream was purely psychological or if there was something else going on. Some kind of spiritual force encouraging me to back down? Perhaps diminishing or neutralizing him in my mind? A bit of both? I don't know, I'm still thinking about this result.

Maybe it means you should try to help him. Long time since I read NAP, but Im fairly sure there is some spell that might be used for that, why dont you give it a go?

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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#5 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:35 am

Diazin wrote:Maybe it means you should try to help him. Long time since I read NAP, but Im fairly sure there is some spell that might be used for that, why dont you give it a go?

Not really sure what that spell is, unless I missed the “Chant to make a coworker less of a dick.” Maybe the General Purpose Chant. Possibly a planetary chant, although I have never used them to affect another person.

Either way, I'm not really interested. I don't want to spend any more time on this person, which is why I set myself a limit of seven days before moving on to something else.

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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#6 » Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:37 pm

Pengersw1ck wrote:I wondered if that dream was purely psychological or if there was something else going on. Some kind of spiritual force encouraging me to back down? Perhaps diminishing or neutralizing him in my mind? A bit of both? I don't know, I'm still thinking about this result.

A lot of the ritual wording in NAP is very general. "Mine enemies shall be scattered and dumbfounded" me that means known and unknown or unrecognized. I pick these apart before I do any of them so in my work with this particular one, I was curious what happened if I left it general like that and as well, be specific about a person too. My experience is similar to yours, first round, enemies I didn't consider such or didn't recognize as enemies were taken out first. Later, my main target did get affected. Not as much as I would have liked, but it was my first Astral Bomb.

I did notice that for Astral Bomb it does say you should use when you know who it is AND where they are. Again...ugh. Very general. Like at that precise moment or know their address or...what? I also wonder how that plays in. For myself when I've done this, the "collateral" enemies I actually know more personally...and I DO know generally where they are located or can easily figure it out - my main target in this example, not so much.

HOWEVER. My suspicion in your work is that the results aren't over even if you've stopped performing. Perhaps the first step to eliminating Subject A IS getting him out of his rent-free space in your head - perhaps that is what fuels Subject A. Never know...keep us posted, I love analyzing results.

I did some work once where I had no idea if it worked or not other than the person left myself and family alone...I considered that good 'nuff. Found out about a year later their timeline of life destruction...and it coincided with my work. I just didn't know it was happening at the time.

So there's that, too, you just might not be aware of the effects till later.
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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#7 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:34 am

MagiAwen wrote:A lot of the ritual wording in NAP is very general. "Mine enemies shall be scattered and dumbfounded" me that means known and unknown or unrecognized. I pick these apart before I do any of them so in my work with this particular one, I was curious what happened if I left it general like that and as well, be specific about a person too. My experience is similar to yours, first round, enemies I didn't consider such or didn't recognize as enemies were taken out first. Later, my main target did get affected. Not as much as I would have liked, but it was my first Astral Bomb."

Interesting. I wonder if it would have been more effective if I just left the guy's name out of it and just read the chant as it is?

A similar experience I had a few years back when I was performing Damon Brand's Master Protection Ritual. I didn't even intend to curse anyone, but during that time two people came out of the woodwork as less scrupulous than I thought they were – one of them even went to prison.

MagiAwen wrote:I did notice that for Astral Bomb it does say you should use when you know who it is AND where they are. Again...ugh. Very general. Like at that precise moment or know their address or...what? I also wonder how that plays in. For myself when I've done this, the "collateral" enemies I actually know more personally...and I DO know generally where they are located or can easily figure it out - my main target in this example, not so much.

I had the same thoughts, it's a bit vague. For both of the targets, I obviously know where they work, and I know the towns where they live, although I don't know their addresses. How specific do I need to be? And I wouldn't say that I'm particularly close to either of them relationship-wise. I debated with myself about using the Psychic Guided Missile instead.

MagiAwen wrote:Perhaps the first step to eliminating Subject A IS getting him out of his rent-free space in your head - perhaps that is what fuels Subject A.

I've definitely had that thought. I would much rather work with the NAP towards building a better life for myself, rather than throwing curses around. But when I'm in close proximity to this guy on a daily basis, it's a bit like hiking a hundred miles with a stone in my shoe. Life would be easier if I didn't find myself expending mental energy on this petty dickhead.

Which is why I set myself the 7 day time limit (although I think I spent a few more days on it afterwards).

MagiAwen wrote:So there's that, too, you just might not be aware of the effects till later.

Yeah, maybe I'm just in a bit of a rush to see results. I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks as I've been on leave, but I've noticed something interesting that could be related.

In the time after I finished the working and moved on, I noticed something resembling self-awareness growing in him. I've overheard him talking about how he has “never felt the need to just grow up”, never saw the point of having kids, etc. This is a man in his mid-forties, stuck in the same job most of his working life, and still thinks he is the cool kid at the back of class, making fun of the geeks and losers.

Unfortunately, being aware of his arrested development hasn't made him a better person so far, and he just resorts to self-justification. His inability to move on might explain his anger, maybe projecting his own BS onto everyone else. Who knows?

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#8 » Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:38 am

Pengersw1ck wrote:A similar experience I had a few years back when I was performing Damon Brand's Master Protection Ritual. I didn't even intend to curse anyone, but during that time two people came out of the woodwork as less scrupulous than I thought they were – one of them even went to prison.

I think it may have more to do with the end user's strength of will when creating &/or performing their "protection" ritual(s). Like many here, I too began with Regardie's "Lesser Banishment of the Pentagrqam" and used it until I read his "The Art of True Healing" wherein I saw how GD rites can be and are adapted to the exoteric world of Malkuth. This got my noggin to wondering about trying different colors in the ritual esp3ecially for the Archangels. I used the GD technique of Gematria for the Qabalistic numerical values of each Archangel as well as what each should look like using the Hebrew letters and Telesmatic Imagery.

By doiung so repeatedly, one can create personal Thralls and empower them to become extremely powerful personal spirits of protection. Thus your LBRP Archangels can really become quite powerful ...over time with rinse & repeat. It's not an overnight thing to expect immediate results with yet if you can persist regular interaction and spiritual feedings, your Thralls will grow to be able to filter out the garbage and thereby protect you.

I have tried numerous methods (or variations) of such a protection ritual including Stephen Mace's flaming sphere as well as Bardon's indigo colored spirit egg. Other methods used were created after reading William Gray's "Magical Ritual Methods" where Gray gives you the bare necessities for effective personal rituals and then allows the reader to use their own symbols, imagery and mythology to create a custom protection ritual. These work well once you understand the desired principles involved in an effective protection ritual which then allows you personal freedom to make your own.

One guy I know uses UFO's or Gray Aliens as his Watchtowers. He's into the whole UFO/UAP thing and thinks alien are actually manifestations of spirits. Oddly enough, a woman from Iraq emailed me about giving her personal lessons all because she feared her boyfriend's new spiritual power which she said he based on "prayers to aliens". She claimed he got answers to his prayers, was generally lucky and his enemies suffered. So is he really tapping into his own personal JuJu OR is this boyfriend somehow managing to make spiritual contact with something answering to his "alien summonings"? My educated guess is it is the latter - some spirit, could be a ghul (ghoul), an ifriti djinn, an ancestor, or any number of other spirits he is unaware of could be answering his requests. This is a well known phenomena where one spirit will answer for another's name or summoning - especially if IT expects offerings, tribute or gifts will be given to the summoned. Thus why the Karcists in grimoires are told to test the spirit to see if it knows thing the desired spirit will know.
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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#9 » Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:45 pm

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote:By doiung so repeatedly, one can create personal Thralls and empower them to become extremely powerful personal spirits of protection. Thus your LBRP Archangels can really become quite powerful ...over time with rinse & repeat. It's not an overnight thing to expect immediate results with yet if you can persist regular interaction and spiritual feedings, your Thralls will grow to be able to filter out the garbage and thereby protect you.

Interesting. You've given me some ideas to work on. I've rarely had any success with Thralls/Servitors though, with one or two exceptions.

When I look at what happened with the Master Protection Ritual (MPR) through that perspective, it could explain the success I had.

In the MPR, you start off with the Sword Banishing, where you call upon and visualize four angels protecting you. Then you call upon a series of beings from the Nuctameron to empower you.

This ritual has to be performed for 33 days, so there is sufficient time there to put energy into something, I think. So perhaps, not continuing the Sword Banishing beyond the ritual might have been my mistake.

In comparison, the Astral Bomb Ritual and Defensive Armor Rite, was only performed for just over a week, perhaps not enough time. After the novelty of the first one or days of performing it had worn off, it became a little run of the mill – just part of my daily NAP routine.

When I think of the few curses I've done in the past that have actually worked, there was either a strong emotional force channeled into it, or a spirit I called upon actually answered in a dramatic fashion.

I had this thought after my largely failed experiment with the Astral Bomb ritual. I wondered if time spent cultivating relationships with spirits capable of defense might be a better idea. Perhaps my relationships with the spirits are still a little transactional and lacking in depth.

There's also the question of willpower. Looking back at the dream I had earlier on in the thread, I wonder if this possibly diluted the emotional force I put into it? Perhaps on an unconscious level, something had happened to take the bite out of this working?

Good idea on feeding a group of defensive entities as part of a daily protection rite, I have a few ideas on how to work this.

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Re: Interesting result from Astral Bomb Attack

Post#10 » Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:39 am

Another update, and probably the final one on this particular working.

First, the guy who I targeted was one person in a workplace full of gossips. Most of the people I work with are fine, but the assholes seem to cluster around this one guy. Targeting him and removing him from the picture would disperse the others, hopefully making the gossip less effective.

When I started the working back in January, one woman from this particular circle disappeared. I assumed she was on leave, so I didn't pay much attention at first.

But then her absence went on for a few months. I started to become curious.

A few weeks ago, she came back with a story about how her mother was suddenly rushed to hospital back in January (around the time of the working). She was told to go there immediately, because it was assumed her mother was about to die.

It was a false alarm and her mother lived. But while visiting in hospital, she caught a disease that was serious enough to keep her out of work for a couple of months.

During her time off work, her bank account was hacked multiple times and her money stolen. She had a seriously rough start to the year.

Unfortunately, she came back to work. If she was off work for longer, she would have been fired.

I think this could have been a result of the Astral Bomb ritual, given the time frame this happened in and how it kept her out of my life. Sadly it was only temporary. This ritual, like most magic, seems to take the route of least resistance, and this woman's ailing family members were probably the weak spot through which this could manifest.

And as for guy who I actually targeted, nothing has happened.

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