Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick...)

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick...)

Post#1 » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:39 pm

I've got a conflict.

I've been working with my chakras for a while.

The problem is that NAP uses a different set of energy centers. and I don't know which one to use...
Should I just change this so that I use the 5 energy center system?

At the cost of sounding like an idiot, I've got another question.

Which one is better for me to use?

Posts: 125

Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#2 » Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:28 am

They're two different systems.

My opinion is if you're going to use NAP, then use NAP as it was created, which means the NAP Central Pillar ritual in conjunction with the practices described in the book.

You might read this thread for some ideas while waiting to see if anyone else responds. Al Manning's system is based on chakras, which he teaches through the BPD exercise discussed in that thread. This page discusses the chakras and the NAP style (which is based on something called The Middle Pillar exercise), and the two are compared towards the end of that thread.

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Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#3 » Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:59 pm

I just feel like I'll be missing out on some things that the chakra system offers- like the mind's eye, and the awakening of the kundalini, etc.

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#4 » Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:29 pm

Variance wrote:I just feel like I'll be missing out on some things that the chakra system offers- like the mind's eye, and the awakening of the kundalini, etc.

You won't miss out, I was working primarily with chakras until I discovered NAP, they're different energies used for different things - I'd suggest stick with NAP and also do whatever work you've done with chakras seperately, it'll come together for you in time.

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Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#5 » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:00 pm

My friend, I don't mean to seem offensive, but your missing out either way. If your using the 7 (or 8) chakra system from the east, your still missing the hundreds of other chakras in your body. There are some very interesting ones that are rarely mentioned in popular books and have been kept a secret for siddhas and swamis. I'll tell you about one of them that you could likely learn about otherwise, it is located between your heart chakra and your throat chakra and if properly developed can grant a siddha that lets you control time itself.
Anyhow, my take on it is that you should sensibilize yourself to energy foremost, and get an understanding of your body's vortices yourself without having to read or listen to someone else's research. As far as to whether you should use the system in NAP or not, I recommend that you do. If your using NAP, use what is described therein. Especially the Middle Pillar ritual, which is potentially very powerful (get Regardie's Art of True Healing if you are only familiar with MP from NAP.) it doesn't matter that your missing out on a few chakras.
Good luck on your path. I wish you all the best.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#6 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:18 am

In the words of Regardie in rregards to the Middle Pillar and the Chakra's

Some will note that this exercise corresponds in some ways to the yoga chakra system. There
is, assuredly, correspondence. But there are several very important differences and variations.
The first, a minor difference, is the number and position of the centers involved. But this does
not require discussion. What is fundamental, however, is the entirely different approach. The
yoga technique commences its meditations from the lowest chakra and works upwards to the
Sahasrara above the head. On the other hand, in the western system, the Middle Pillar starts
from the highest and works downwards.
Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
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Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#7 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:54 am

That's right. Thanks for the quote, Vovin.
It might be of interest to some to note that in the myriad of ancient eastern traditions other than yoga, there are in fact some that run the energy downwards like in the Middle Pillar (ex:
These were usually kept the most esoteric. Who knows, perhaps the creators of the MP had astral discussions with some of these eastern practitionners...?

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Chakra system or one in NAP? (I'm somewhat new to magick

Post#8 » Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:21 pm

EHE1EH wrote:That's right. Thanks for the quote, Vovin.
It might be of interest to some to note that in the myriad of ancient eastern traditions other than yoga, there are in fact some that run the energy downwards like in the Middle Pillar (ex:
These were usually kept the most esoteric. Who knows, perhaps the creators of the MP had astral discussions with some of these eastern practitionners...?

I don't know what you mean by "eastern" in this context, but just to add to the debate I'll chuck this in from Saivite Hindu tradition:

The "energy" runs both ways - the ida current is feminine in nature, and flows downwards, ending on the left side of the body. The pingala is masculine in nature & flows upwards, ending on the right side of the body. The sushumna is the central column that runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
Source: Merging With Siva by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami - search in this page for "nadi" ("conduit" - nerve channel)

As far as I know, the chakras (with the personality influences they affect) are the points through which we are individually manifest onto this plane of being: the 5 gates as mentioned in NAP are the points at which we can access different levels of the Godhead, and so are a different thing (think of the difference between your computers "input" and "output" hardware, eg mouse and keyboard, as compared to monitor & speakers EHE1EH - if that helps?)

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
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