Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#1 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:00 am

Good Day All,
I was e-mailed in regards to a post about my Dad here and thought I'd drop by. Too bad the thread about his book Avatar Power is locked, as I was reading with interest your queries on how/why he had a stroke.
In answer to the question, my Mothers theory is that he failed to protect himself as he was channeling his 'Arry at a psychic show in the mid 90's. Not protecting himself, he allowed a lot of power to be deleted. Hope this clears up some questions.

From Brother Butterball who kindly e-mailed me and my folks, the new book is released, its new name is Twist Your Fate: 7 Steps to Fortune and can be purchased on my website or else where. My website is the only place with autographed copies. I did not come on her to promote myself at all, so if there are replies I will post the site. Thanks all for the interest in my Dad, who will turn 80 on August 15th.

My Mum also got her book published this past January. A little different for my Dads, but never the less on a very deep spiritual level. Angels The Guardians of Your Destiny.

Wishing you all well and if you have any other questions on my Dads health please post. Related to the books, I am not the best source and Dad is retired. I am a different kind of psychic from my Dad, although the same on predictions! Have wonderful and positive days ahead to all of you. Viki.

Updating Here: One last post! I now have read all 22 pages of posts on a lot of my Dads thoughts and books. One question that came up was about Campo Santo. Yes, it did exist in Montreal, Quebec in the early 70's. We landed there from England in 1966. The Internet was not designed at that time however I can assure you I was a 16 years old who watched my folks do a ton of magick work with people. I also married at their 100 year old house and my wedding pics show the black and white candles on the mantle piece and astrological stuff that sat there. Due to law changes in Quebec they chose to leave for BC in 1975 or around there. This is where Beyond Reason became their next step in time. From their work with Campo Santo all the books were written and many statements are from previous students and people they met along the road. Pleas post any queries you have on Campo Santo as I have all of Dad and Mums paper work here at my home from that period of time. I hope this helps the questions.

On the e-mail that was posted, most likely I can answer that too. If need be [grin]

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#2 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:32 am

Hello Viki! Its a pleasure to have you on the forums, welcome!

As you may have already guessed, we love your dad's work. I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we are extremely grateful to have found his books. As you may have read in the avatar forum, many of us have had amazing experiences with the NAP book.

My questions is, was Campo Santo a general ecclectic Coven or was there a specific tradition taught there? According to your dad's Mystic Grimoire, Campo Santo did a alot of research on many of the spells and rituals in the book -- can you tell us a bit more about this research? How did they come up with the most succesful spells and rituals.


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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#3 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:21 am

Good Day ElBrujo,
Well to the best of my recollection on the lessons taught, it was a group of people who got together and Dad and Mum taught all of the stuff to them. My Dad also use hypnosis at this time. The actual name of the centre was The Hermetic Order of Campo Santo I believe. I will ask Mum next month when I visit. I will also ask her more of what went on. Why do I not know the full facts? Well I was either 15 or 16, and was sitting in the front room and Dad fell into this trance. He then picked up a piece of paper and started writing with his eyes closed. When finished he had a full paper of automatic writing [written backwards]. Yes, I kid you not. 'Arry had appeared. This writing when was held to a mirror and was able to be read. Myself being a wild young teenager and my parents being in my eyes 'old fogies' I left the room. Went upstairs and came back down later where dear Mary had told my Dad I had been in the loo. 'Arry is a British spirit that helped my Dad write his latest book. Since that time Dad has channelled this fellow every Sunday night. To this very day he does that at 7pm. Now during those times I know a lot of this went on, and all that Dad wrote he practised. He and Mum got better and better with all that they learnt and taught.
I myself a young hippie left home quite early after that, and let them alone to do their own work while I opted for the underground cafes, new found freedom and lots of boys with long hair. They left Quebec in the mid seventies and I remained, so with occasional visits to BC I did not get to see them a lot. Hope this helps?
When I reach SK next month I will log my Dad in, and he can post a few thoughts for you.
Oh and in answer to your spell question. All of those are Dads original, own work he came up with and practised on his students. Also in his own life while using them he accomplished much.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#4 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:34 am

Hi Viki

Firstly welcome to the Forum! Its great having you aboard and I echo Elbrujo and most on here. In that we have a great respect for your fathers work. I am also glad you are here to monitor the discussion and interject as required. I have ordered your new book and I look forward to reading it :) Thank you again for all your valuable input please send our regards and warm wishes onto your father from all of us. And thank him again for the magick he has interjected into our daily lives..

Love and Light

Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

Posts: 57

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#5 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:41 am

Dear Vicki,

Thanks so much for taking the time to visit this site and share your personal experiences. As El Brujo wrote, we are truly devoted to your father's great work and many of us are sending him our best wishes for good health.

An interesting coincidence for me personally - like many of us, I've been wondering a lot about the Hermetic Order of Campo Santo, but have been unable to find anything online or elsewhere. So today I visited this board (where I'm a new member) to post a question, thinking that someone else might know. The first post I chanced to read was yours describing the Order! I guess that it's no surprise that a board devoted to magic would be magical!

I'm sure that many of us are eagerly awaiting anything else you can share on the Order and on your father's work.

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#6 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:22 pm

Thank you all for my welcome, and as promised I will log Dad on next month. I am travelling to SK where they live and then we are going to Saskatoon to do a book signing. If any of you live around there, please come and meet him. Other than that, either on the 25th or the 27th [as the signing is on the 26th, plus TV a appearance] we will post. So any questions do just add them here and we'll try to answer them then. Hows that? So to clarify my dates are for August 2008.
gnosticangel: [grin] If you spell my name correctly, as I take my Numerology as seriously as you do your magick, I promise to send you a nice blessing :)

Posts: 57

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#7 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:08 pm

Dear Viki,

Thanks for the reminder, Viki! And many blessings to you also, blessings in body, mind, spirit and action!

... Seems like the 25th and the 27th of August are going to be special days for this community!

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#8 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:56 pm

Whooaaaaa, welcome,and though this is really off topic, tell your dad his Beard is - if he still carries it-awesome. heheh.
Seriously though , i think his books are a good couple gems in the hay . Brother Moloch talked much about NAP in a group he had or have, and thats where i saw the renewed interests in this book some years ago. Another guy Justin - also in that Moloch group wrote about his experiences with NAP which were pretty good. His comments on it can be found on amazon.- Justin also wrote a pretty good book on magic , i think there's a link to his site on amazon. cheers
Axeezo ... 698&sr=8-2

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Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#9 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:25 pm

Well, I'm surprised not many people have jumped to ask their questions. There were a lot of questions in the NAP forum that were left to discussion and speculation. For example: Whats your general take on the "case histories" ? A lot of people think they are fake and make the book sound like an infomercial.

Super Celestials
Adeptus Minor
Posts: 589

Re: Geof Gray Cobbs Daughter Here

Post#10 » Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:50 pm

Hi Viki,

This is such a treat to have this nice communication from you! As you can see, there are many people who greatly appreciate your family's work. Although magick has always been around me, I've only just recently begun my study of it bookwise, and your dad's NAP book was my first "find".

Speaking directly from my heart, I am moved by the kindness of your family to share their rare magical knowledge -- for this tradition which you have grown up with would have been for many of us, as difficult as trying to find the proverbial needle among millions of haystacks. I enjoy thinking of your parents works as brilliant displays of fireworks that incandescently illuminate the skies each and every time a seeker experiences the magick written into the pages of the books as this is what I sense when I read them.

With kindness and thanks,

Super Celestials ;)

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