what am i doing wrong!!

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#21 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:21 pm

"Im not ready for a relationship" very very often means; "I am not *interested* in a relationship... *with you*".

I would strongly suggest you stop pining over that ONE girl and open yourself up to the possibilities of something totally unexpected. Open yourself to ALL women and to the Goddess.

Try magic on yourself first. Invoke martian and venusian archetypes to tune into the frequency of attraction and sexual magnetism and then do some research on the art of the pick up. There is a whole community around this subject. But don't become a robot about it. Girls can very often sense that. Instead just learn the rules and take what you feel good about and what seems to work for you.

The best of the bunch, IMO, is David Deangelo. He has hours and hours of video lectures that are really spot on, some of which start to dip into NLP and magic. I really can't recommend him enough to you. You can find his lectures through file sharing clients like emule and soulseek though his material is well worth the price of admission.

I promise your chances with this girl will be far better if she sees how OTHER girls are attracted to you. and how you could take it or leave it, having so many options and not NEEDING a girl -cause you are so comfortable with awesome self.

In regards to "not feeling" the energy of the middle pillar. Trust me, it's real and when you are doing it correctly you DO feel it. It is not some imaginary play time fake out thing. It's real and can be dramatic in intensity.

energy follows breath and attention. try moving your attention from your stomach up to your head as you gently breath in. keep it simple at first. It may take a lot of practice. The book Astral Dynamic by Robert Bruce, which I have recommended here before, has some great exercises on learning to become aware of and manipulate energy. He suggests using a feather or other device to "trace" a route (say up and down your leg) to get the nerves sensitive to the area of travel before attempting to move energy along that area. It's like etheric training wheels. also, like a bike: Once you notice the energy and it's movement it's hard to forget. However constant practice makes it more palpable and controllable. practice ALL the time. when you are walking, driving, waiting, resting.

All this will be easier if you can focus your attention, and I am willing to bet that this comes down to your ability to RELAX. Relaxation is very important and very often neglected.

Instead of trying to force yourself to "Not think" try placing your attention on your body. this will also train your awareness to the subtle fluctuations of the energy used in the middle pillar.

Psilocybin Mushrooms, when taken in high enough doses (4-5 dried grams depending on body weight.) can be very helpful in learning to let go of thoughts (enter into trance) and to become aware of the subtle fields of energy within the body. However, if there is a lot of psychological debris and blocks in the energy body it can be a frightening and painful -though ultimately cathartic and healing experience.


Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#22 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:03 pm

What do you mean by invoking archetypes? Just vibrating the name of the god? (like Elohim Gibore and Jehovah Tsavoos) and then absorbing his attracting color into the sephiroth?

(As per the NAP ritual)

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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#23 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:48 pm

I meant it in the most general sense. chanting god-names, icons and imagery, visualization, sigil magics, astrological observation, dream yoga, full blown Golden dawn style or Qabalistic rituals, sustained focus through reading and contemplation or simple prayer. I didn't mean it in context to the NAP system.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 972

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#24 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:04 pm


Adeptus Minor
Posts: 972

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#25 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:10 pm

Seriously. You want to know the secret to getting laid? Without having to resort to magic? Talk to women. Hang out with women, talk to women, drink with women, etc etc. And you know what? Before you know it, you'll be banging one of them. Then another. Then another. Maybe two at a time. Who knows how far you'll get once you finally perform the Lesser Ritual of Talking to a Woman. After you've got that down, you'll eventually have to learn the Greater Banishing Ritual of I Have To Get Up Early So Leave Now.

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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#26 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:18 pm

you know. i never once said i had a problem with getting girls.

i never asked for "girl" advice, i asked for Ritual advice. and so far all i've gotten is nothing of the sort

much obliged for taking the time to reply.. but so far it's been about nothing i've asked.

so for anyone else. if all your going to say is go out to bars more, just pass

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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#27 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:19 am

You are probably doing nothing wrong, but please don’t dismiss the help offered already, just read between the lines, sure it feels like they are saying “get a life, go out and meet women etc” As your ritual is probably successful.

Captain Obvious time = I don’t think it has anything to do with how your performing the ritual, what order, how deep you are going in a trance…its as simply as that, there maybe stronger forces preventing this from occurring, anything.

Maybe you need to work on yourself before this can happen (not magick) – to me it sounds like you want this girl for yourself and haven’t spared a thought about how she would react or would like from the relationship OR even thought about giving her time by herself first. What’s the point of a relationship if you need to work on yourself first and foremost– thus preventing you from devoting all the time to the relationship. Which if true would make her more miserable.


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Adeptus Major
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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#28 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:36 am

Jimmyj wrote:You are probably doing nothing wrong, but please don’t dismiss the help offered already, just read between the lines, sure it feels like they are saying “get a life, go out and meet women etc” As your ritual is probably successful.

I just want to add, I've done rituals, spells, stuff in the past and instead of what I asked for kind of materialising in front of me, what i got was information on how to get the thing myself. And therefore how to get more of it, how to get things like it, and so on, in future as well.

Maybe all the answers you got here have something in them that will help you?

It's like the old saying, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he can feed himself for a lifetime.

There are a lot of stories in NAP of people getting jobs that brought them money and so on, or chains of events (that one with the lady and the fur coat for example) where the thing requested came via a chain of fairly everyday occurences.

Just saying - maybe I'm wrong, who knows, I just think it's good not to try and control HOW the thing you want comes to you, and sometimes the route it takes isn't the one you expected.

Good luck, truly. 8-)

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
Captain James T Kirk

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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#29 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:48 am

IronOrchid wrote:I just want to add, I've done rituals, spells, stuff in the past and instead of what I asked for kind of materialising in front of me, what i got was information on how to get the thing myself. And therefore how to get more of it, how to get things like it, and so on, in future as well.

It's like the old saying, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he can feed himself for a lifetime.

just saying - maybe I'm wrong, who knows, I just think it's good not to try and control HOW the thing you want comes to you, and sometimes the route it takes isn't the one you expected.

Good luck, truly. 8-)


Spot on.


Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#30 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:18 am

Variance wrote:Yeah, seriously. Learn how to converse with women; don't expect magick to give them earth shattering orgasms whenever they see you causing them to want to jump on your cock within 30 milliseconds.

(....although.... that would be interesting....) Haha, just kidding.

I guess some things just have to come natural, especially when your a good lookin guy like me

Feel the HeatWave baby, you got 30 milliseconds...

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