Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#31 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:28 pm


Thanks heaps for the prompt reply and info! :)

I have them in front of me now - so will try a few different techniques shortly. I'm always on the hunt to be able to refine the way I work and to see the effects that changing certain things may bring (for better or worse).

Your post has also inspired me to dust off my copy of PME and looking over Mahasiah and Lelahel (and the other 70 Genii of the Mercurian Zone), there are a few guys there that I think I may be able to work with to further boost NAP up. So thank you!

I'll keep y'all posted! -Frater EoE
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#32 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:14 pm


We need more success stories.

All you new peeps, dish out on your results, whether good or bad with the awsomness that is NAP! :mrgreen:

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#33 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:12 pm

I will second what ElBrujo said.

Please let's hear some more experiences and stories.

And I hope that Frater EOE does return here.

Brother BBB

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 689

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#34 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:35 pm

Last edited by Grab on Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
(quoted from


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#35 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:28 am

ElBrujo wrote:All you new peeps, dish out on your results, whether good or bad with the awsomness that is NAP! :mrgreen:

Good or bad? How about weird but showing potential? I had been working with the Invocation for Money for about a week last month and had a few strange experiences. Every night that I performed the ritual I had very vivid and very strange dreams. Some of them may have been related to the uncrossing ritual that I also performed every night to rid myself of a parasitic entity that I believe had been bothering me periodically since my last evocation attempt (a little over 2 years ago).

As for as the Invocation for Money is concerned, one night before falling asleep, thoughts came up in my mind and I was able to start something resembling a conversation with these thoughts and certain conditions about the working were brought up including the amount of money and certain rules regarding how it was to come about. Specifically, no harm to either my family, friends, or myself. I was kind of surprised with the amount of money that was suggested to me, it wasn't any enormous insta-rich amount, but enough for what my goal was. I was having difficulty maintaining the confusing conversation and asked Nitika to clarify this information in a dream. I was awakened by the family dog scratching at my door panicking at a very early hour and she went in to investigate the room and looked extremely concerned. I had somewhat of a memory of the dream when I woke up, but quickly forgot the content due to being distracted by the dog. A couple of days later, when I am leaving a parking lot, an SUV behind begins to back up quickly and I see it just in time to move accelerate to where it barely hits my car from behind. There wasn't any visible damage to either vehicle with such a minor bump so I told the driver not to worry about it. One of the reasons that I wanted the money was to pay of my car, but not through a way in which it can no longer be used. A side effect during this time was getting some surprise leniency with some of my debts which I didn't expect.

I stopped performing the ritual after a week because I considered it too unfocused and was concerned with the possible negative results that might occur, such as destroying my car. Last Sunday, when I was leaving the same parking lot in which the incident with the SUV happened, I got a strange urge to leave through a different exit and take a back way home. A couple of blocks down, I see a ball of light in the middle of the road for a couple of seconds before instantly disappearing. I didn't get any negative feeling from it and I was wondering if it was somehow connected to Nitika and was a reminder to continue the working? This isn't too different to what has happened in my past attempts at evocation although this is far less negative. Any pointers for this situation. Since my main goal for the money is to pay off my debts, would the chant to bring success be a better option, considering the case history in the book? Or maybe consider working out a better method of communication with Nitika? Maybe the pendulum?


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#36 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:16 pm


It sounds like you are holding back full manifestation with worry, doubt, fear, and other expectations. If you are worried about possibly bringing harm to anyone, then there is a way safeguard your spells and rituals. At the end, simply state that the manifestation will bring harm to no person or thing. Simple as that. You also need to walk away with the 'I already have it' attitude when finishing a ritual.

Good luck,


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#37 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:31 pm

FraterEOE, could you describe, step by step, what you're doing?

I for example do the following for the General Purpose Invocation:
-try to visualize as best as possible my wish, while i try to relax as much as possible.
-do the "Point A" ritual(I'm saying aloud the first, and last part of the point a ritual[the parts with: "I am beginning the New Avatar Ritual...", and "I call on Thee, mighty Arzel..."]).
-after the Point a ritual tape is finished playing, I try to visualize my wish again, for a few minutes.
- then I simply read the General Purpose Invocation text from my computer(I've written it in a text document). I sometimes use a candle, just for effect. And I always darken my monitor as much as I can, but to still be able to read the GPI.
-after that, I simply say in my mind that by the count of five I'll wake up, happy, remember everything,etc.
-then I write in my book of shadows a few words about what ritual I performed, how good the relaxation and visualization was, etc.
I usually do this between 1 and 3 AM.
Then I continue with my regular everyday business.

This usually starts to manifest(which sometimes is very spectacular), but the wishes I've asked for didn't fully manifest.


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#38 » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:10 pm

Frater EOE wrote:(I might have taken the authors words about only performing one ritual/chant per day a little bit too literally - even though it makes sense that this would be a wise rite to perform as a precursor). :)

Kind Regards, Frater EoE

The Author was being serious. People keep failing because they ignore this important factor. *Grab*

Maybe an extra here an there is ok.
This book works.
This thread has doubt. Which is why we need more success stories, its suppose to be a little pickmeup thread.

Let US know how this little tip helped YOU.


Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#39 » Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:57 pm

For a real success story, the Uncrossing Ritual worked very well for me. In the "Ouija Board and Mischievous Spirits" thread on the General Magick board I shared a story about a parasitic spirit that I encountered that had stuck around for a few years. After reading NAP, I had a few ideas for rituals and outcomes that I wanted but the Uncrossing was certainly the top priority given my situation. After the first time performing it, I felt much better physically and I decided to perform it a few more times to see if it would improve even more. I ended up performing the Uncrossing twice a day for about a week and a half directly in front of the physical object in which the spirit told me it was taking up residence. The results have been great. Before, there was always a sort of strange vibe about the object, aside from being sort of vicious looking from the start, there was a definite weird feeling I would get when I looked at it and I could never force myself to get rid of it. Now, I get no strange feeling at all around it and I feel that I could toss it in the dumpster if I felt like it and I may very well do that.

ElBrujo wrote:It sounds like you are holding back full manifestation with worry, doubt, fear, and other expectations. If you are worried about possibly bringing harm to anyone, then there is a way safeguard your spells and rituals. At the end, simply state that the manifestation will bring harm to no person or thing. Simple as that. You also need to walk away with the 'I already have it' attitude when finishing a ritual.

ElBrujo, thank you for sharing this. I will add that statement to my working when I make another attempt at it. You are also correct about my need to eliminate the worry/doubt/feat/etc. Part of my fear was rooted in the stories of NAP spirits getting the magician money through an inheritance and having a spirit assassinate a relative to get me money really isn't in line with my priorities. That, and then the experience with the potential automobile accident.

An interesting note about the "I already have it" attitude: I was reading Ophiel's "Creative Visualization" book and one of his "laws" stated in the book was that things manifest backward (like a mirror image) from one plane to the next. For example, already having your intended desire from your working would be the starting point of your desire from which it would then travel back into this plane to manifest. I'm not sure how a spirit acting as an intermediary effects this, but this may be a useful belief for the time being in assisting me in adopting the "I already have it" attitude.

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1183

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#40 » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:15 am

I'm hesitant about posting this because it may not be quite what you're asking, but the NAP book came into my awareness by a stream of "coincidences" that are quite honestly remarkable, and which tie in with information I've been getting in trance-journeys over the past few years.

Since I began practicing from the book, I've had lots of small-but-nice bits of luck: plus just now a VERY major question I've had for over 3 years relating to my own practice, and a particular choice of direction within it, has just been answered when I checked one of my regular (non-occult) bookmarked sites, to take a break from typing out invocations.

Not exactly on par with the stories in the book, but certainly enough to make this hoss think there's plenty of power in there, and to feel optimistic about continuing with it. :D

Sorry I can't be more specific, but 'twould not be cool... 8-)
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