Who goes there?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Who goes there?

Post#51 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:55 pm

[checksIn] He's still waffling? :thinking [/checksStraightBackOutAgain]

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Who goes there?

Post#52 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:59 am

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Re: Who goes there?

Post#53 » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:07 am

toothache wrote:http://www.studioarcanis.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3183

Always a classic read :)

Yep ... and D would do well to consult that link in order to get some idea of what supporting one's propositions means.


Ars non Fortuna

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Who goes there?

Post#54 » Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:13 pm

dwellersinthemirage wrote:Hi all!

After reading many posts on this erudite forum asking about the true nature of the celebrated NAP angels, I have been pondering what it is that we are actually dealing with here? I enquire neither as a defiant skeptic nor as a gushing true believer, but as a seeker who wants to know reality, and is able to handle the truth regardless of how deep down the proverbial "rabbit hole" I may plunge, or how inconvenient to my present belief paradigm it may prove.

I wonder if the NAP angels are, (in part at least), something akin to wish-fulfilling Genii or Djinn?

Thinking about how the NAP intelligences grant favorable outcomes and gifts, the powerful Djinn portrayed in the movie: "The Secret", comes to mind:

Secret genii image: http://www.godsebook.org/genie_secret_533.jpg

Short Secret clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTimEFMIxz4

(The terms "NAP" & "SECRET" seem interchangeable labels for either scheme, to me, for in the end they both strike me as constituting similar means for attaining "something-for-nothing-fairy-gold" prizes. Both utilize "attraction" techniques for achieving methodical wish-fulfillment.)

Also, what if the NAP program amounts to constituting the "language" by which to interact with this selfsame "Secret" Genii? What if this fabulous mythical being could be subsequently identified as: the universal shape-shifting Chi/Azoth/Genii/Intelligence/Dark Matter/Nous/Living Quantum Soup - that assumes any form, any guise, perfectly tailored to one's expectation? (Koetting says as much with his works of darkness tome wherein he says that the darkness can be contacted and it "has it's eyes on you." And I even heard a telivision rabbi recently say that he felt surrounded by a thick envelop of miasmic darkness that wanted to swallow him up. And don't dare forget Friedrich Nietzsche's chilling observation to wit: “If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” These are not mere similies, assuredly they are metaphors, as any seasoned magickal practitioner knows only too well!)

Hence, could some, or the majority of, or maybe even all the NAP angels be masks of ONE "something" lurking just out-of-sight behind the 3D dimensional curtain, reminiscent of the disturbing ufo hide-and-seek phenomena?

Finally, are these NAP beings merely fancies of one's imagination, as in "pieces of our brain" as Crowley suggested? Or could they represent independent transdimensional celestial/infernal sub-personalities of God?

Are they all this and more, or are they none of the above? Who can say? Can you?

To me this NAP-entity consideration is so thought-provoking and so very relevant to my magickal momentum as well as addressing the general distopian human condition, that I consider it to be the greatest enigma I have yet encountered, and possibly the most profound mystery of our time.

Personally speaking, I am preparing to experiment with this alluring NAP magick when my "stars are right." But first, since NAP is clearly a hybridized system, I intend to tweak it a little more towards what has worked for me in the past, viz. an Ophiel LBRP ritual, Lisiewski planetary hours, and chinese astrology cross-timing and nothing else whastoever. I don't even intend to perform the main NAP meditation daily at the exact same time, as I may do regarding some mundane task, but instead it will be during a time frame synched with the nature of my request/nature of the angel in question. And I will be cordial, as always, but since I think that "goodness is its own reward", I figure that a sincere verbal "thank you" should suffice. No snacks, tokens or trading. (Bardon said that even seeming innocent, well-intentioned casual interactions with an interdimensional being such as the NAPs did constitute a "pact", and that possibility is something I can certainly do without!

As the cliche goes: "It is what it is" . . . . .but I ask: "WHAT is it???"

Hero of a thousand faces,
Culprit fey from alien races?

- dweller


Here is more lore about the Djinn:

The Djinn Connection

Could a single entity be responsible for a multitude of our paranormal experiences throughout history?

Some investigators conclude that our interactions with spirits, extraterrestrials, shadow figures, ancient aliens, demi-gods and human-creature hybrids all involve the mysterious Djinn.

Djinn are supposedly little-known in the West beyond folk tales of genies in lamps and bottles, but they are theoretically active in our world. They are said to be a race of powerful, masterful shape-shifters who exist in a dimension parallel to ours. Humans have had millennia of intense engagements with the Djinn, who disguise themselves in the forms of many different entities in order to keep themselves and their true motives hidden. The question is: are their motives in our best interests?

The Djinn are reputedly not the only beings interacting with humans, but their giant shadow falls across every part of our paranormal and entity contact experiences, including bedroom invasions, alien abductions, and genetics manipulators from other worlds.

Are the legendary Djinn a significant force in the destiny of human beings?


FAQS About the Djinn

I dont see the collations of what your saying. These spirits are Angels very powerful Angels, not djinns. They are way higher on the food chain than what you perceive. Envoke Elubatel tell him he is a djinn that pisses on flowers. PLEASE TELL US YOUR OUTCOME!

Edit: They are not just one, They have very different offices and personalities.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Frater Chika Chika
Posts: 68

Re: Who goes there?

Post#55 » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:17 am

According to the instruction of true Adepts like Israel Regardie, if evocation is done incorrectly one can attract forces from the astral planes which resonate best with him... even while using the correct Divine Names and sigils.

Hence, it's plausible that some people may find it easier to work with djinn than angels and then incorrectly assume that their results are correct. Thus, claiming that angels are something else!

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Posts: 139

Re: Who goes there?

Post#56 » Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:50 am

dwellersinthemirage wrote:Hi all!

It's been 14 days since I started this thread, " Who goes there?" (last Sun May 26, 2013.) In all the ensuing time, not one, no, not even one remotely satisfactory solid rebuttal regarding my allegation concerning the the counterfeit NAPs has emerged. I find this non-reaction quite curious as well as revealing. (Much can be ascertained not only by that which is said, but also by that which is disregarded and excluded.) So I ask, does this poverty of response by the old masters of this list construe a sin of omission amounting to a glaring admission of guilt?

Instead of stepping up to the plate, why have these heavy hitters preferred to remain out-of-sight in the dugout? Rather than demonstrating to all that they have the courage of their convictions, these old wizards have merely sat back and snickered as a handful of their pesky horseflies, (Beelzebub's emissaries?) have been attempting to divert my Djinn=NAPs topic by fouling the atmosphere with their hubris and vulgarity. (I would think it an embarrassment to those a little higher up the pecking order to allow such pawns to so ineptly speak for them.) At least we have had a little comic relief. <smile>

Will no one amongst all the more mature, seasoned magickal practitioners hereabout come to the defense of their particular exalted master of time and space, thereby exonerating their questionable momentum for me while simultaneously neutralizing my Djinn=NAPs proposition in one masterful fell swoop? That should be mere child's play for these genuises!

Why haven't any of these descended ascended masters populating this list emerged from the shadows to weigh in on my charge that the Djinn=NAPs?

Come out, come out, where ever you are!

For instance, I thought by now that at least one of their beloved heroes, such as Aiwass, (Crowley's avowed Guardian Angel) [image] http://www.blastedtower.com/wp-content/ ... 04/Lam.jpg would have whispered something amazingly clever into their eager ears by which to blast me. Or what about any of their myriad other exalted mahatmas dredged from the depths such as the goetia spirits with whom they cavort? [image] http://z.about.com/d/altreligion/1/0/Z/ ... magick.jpg
Or, why don't these "gods" at least furnish their human hosts with a scripted reply suitable enough to elucidate and justify their master/slave codependency? (hosts, as in biology, "the animal or plant on which or in which another organism lives.") Let's part the curtain to see what is actually happening on the backstage of appearances so that all may know exactly who or what is pulling the strings of the magickal NAP marionettes; what is really going on behind all the smoke-and-mirrors, the dog-and-pony-show, the razzmatazz and razzledazzle?

Remember everyone, this is the Chinese Year of the Black Snake wherein delusion and deception are common, so stay alert! "Pluto, the planet of deep inner purging and miraculous transformation during 2013 year of the Snake is in a stressful aspect to action planet Mars and rebel game changer Uranus. Pluto exposes what is hidden through a deep revealing of subconscious material. Slowly we begin to see the reasons for things, we understand the root cause of some dysfunction. With Pluto in Capricorn it's likely that the institutions of society will be exposed, darker purposes will be revealed. The dark forces that have ruled unhindered in the past are now being exposed. We humans are waking up, starting to smell the coffee." see: http://www.gotohoroscope.com/2013-horoscope/

So saying, were this an earthly court of law, an indictment against this erudite list's egregore could justifiably be issued, charging it with the egregious crime of aiding and abetting the Vengeful Djinn, who are the avowed enemies of the human race.

(The purpose of an indictment is to inform an accused individual of the charge against him or her so that the person will be able to prepare a defense.)

I do regard the following two statements (#1 and #2) as being mutually exclusive, (of or pertaining to a situation involving two or more events, possibilities etc., in which the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other)

Therefore I must conclude that the reason (take your pick) for the reticence of these evocationonline ringmasters to come forward into the daylight for examination is due to:

1. They are fully cognizent of their actions. These old masters amongst us realize, spot-on, how correct my ad hoc Djinn=NAPs theory is, and so they want to obscure the unpleasant consequences stemming from that fact.


2. They are totally clueless. These old masters are blissfully ignorant of the true nature of the non-human intelligences with whom they interface, and consequently unwittingly evangelize their tacit collusion in glowing terms that inadvertently ensnare others too naive to escape victimization.

Since either one or the other of the above situations must be true, I conclude that either predicament #1 or #2 is the reason why none of the old masters around here are able to proffer any logical rationale supporting a defense capable of countering my Djinn=NAPs accusation. Either way, it is a sorry state of affairs!

This determination explains why none of these old master's, (nor their underlings) defense can ever rise above vacuous non sequitur after non sequitur, as shown by the recent futile attempts by my detractors to discredit my person while ignoring my Djinn=NAPs main point under consideration.

Now recall how Jack Palance, playing the part of the grizzled old cowpoke in the 1991 movie "City Slickers", proffered this bit of pertinent wisdom to his charge, Mitch, (played by Billy Crystal), giving him a bit of life advice:

"Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?
[holds up one finger] This.
Mitch: Your finger?
Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don't mean s***.
Mitch: But, what is the "one thing?"

Curly: "That's what you have to find out."


So I ask you all, what is your "one thing" (your salient life-guidance byword)?

What could this "one thing" be in terms of your preeminent magickal-life sentiment? Is it being filled to overflowing with technical data concerning magickal correspondences, symbols, rituals and correct pronunciations and the like? Or could it be a perennial wisdom aphorism such as "Know Thyself" thusly revealed through application of the universal solvent of UNDERSTANDING?

It seems to me, that, despite their protests to the contrary, the bedrock term "understanding" remains absent from these master's otherwise majestic magickal lexicon.

Maybe that is why the true relationship of the Djinn=NAPs has eluded their comprehension, because, with all their getting, they have failed to get wisdom. From what I have observed here on this list and elsewhere, such as these have, in their premature grasp for power and fame, foolishly omitted the first rule of spirit-contact, namely: "To know the true name of a thing is to have power over it."

- dweller

"...there's no such thing as the unknown. Only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."
- Captain James T Kirk

First of all humans cannot be just humans,

Nap spirits are not Djinns =100 percent truth

Jinns are a separate race like human race is different from a snake race

Nap spirits could be like software programs for the mind to load and get into a particular state of consciousness.

Djinns on the other hand are considered evil or it is considered a truly living evil spirit.

Most Nap spirits like Djinns also cannot harm another human, there can only make sure that everyone has a win - win situation.

lastly, Djinns requires sacrifice.

What is a big thing if Nap = Djinns?

So you think that Nap is evil and it is there to enslave us?

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