Dreams and Occult

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Dreams and Occult

Post#1 » Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:29 pm

Some of my deepest and weirdest psychic experiences have happened while dreaming (which makes sense since this is when we are naturally "skrying" and astral projecting). I have been interested in lucid dreaming, and have kept a dream journal in order to exercise my dream recall, but when weird stuff has happened, it has never been while I have been completely lucid (I can only remember a couple times I have been completely lucid, and both times were very short before I woke up).

I was hoping we could discuss the nature of dreams from occult point of view, as well as dream experiences.

For a start, I was wondering if any of these has happened to other members in one form or another:

Dream reflection of obvious astral experience: Once I was going down on an elevator fast, trying to get a grip of a wobbling "floor" below me. When I woke up I felt like s**t for some time. I was sure that this was an OOBE but I had no conscious memory of the journey, if there was one.

Seeing a "portal" in a dream: Although this has happened only once (that I can remember), I saw a black, bottomless well (or a hole) that I "knew" would lead beyond the territory of my own subconscious. A chance to "dream walk" right there, but it was too unnerving to jump through at the time.

Meeting a previously evoked spirit in a dream: I am sure everyone has had this. For me these encounters are sometimes reflected through my subconscious, for example; I remember after evoking Monachiel I met a nice lady in a factory that made fashion clothes, and had models there. The pentacle I used to call her was there on a table, I told her "I'll take this", to which she laughed kindly and then sent me on some kinda mission.

Seeing a spirit's name or sigil: A few days ago, one day after I had evoked one of the 50 names into a black mirror I saw the name tagged on a bathroom wall, and some 50-name-ish sigils. It was a really out of place vision and had nothing to do with rest of the dream.

Using magick in a dream: I seem to remember the god-names correctly and often invoke something like AGLA or Michael while combating negative beings.

Visiting others in a dream: I have always had lots of dream characters in my dreams, and sometimes I dream of crashing a party somewhere with people that seem to act independently (not many nights ago I had enjoyable dream sex with a girl that I interrogated like this afterwards (no I wasn't lucid, strange as it sounds)): "What is your name?", "did I create you?", "where do you live?", "so you actually live, as a human, in this time?","so you spend 2/3 of your time in the waking world?" Yes, it sounds extremely rude now when you think of it, but back then I was excited to meet apparently intelligent and independent person in a dream.

I actually told her that my astral senses suck and I might not get the name right, but she tried to tell it to me anyway, including where she lived. Unfortunately my own internal chatter was in the way so I didn't hear what she tried to say.

Futuristic / UFO dreams: I have always seen lots of these; huge space buildings hanging in the air, space ships in the sky (I usually have a feeling they will attack the Earth). The realism of these dreams is often spectacular, the night sky really looks perfectly authentic etc.

I could think of more experiences but will go to sleep now. :lol:

Edit: Although I said "I saw a black, bottomless well (or a hole) that I "knew" would lead beyond the territory of my own subconscious." I didn't mean that we actually "see" dreams inside our brains; I have experienced this and everything in dreams has a subtle texture, every dream place and object has an astral matrix. Perhaps when there is more astral light (Robert Wang said in Qabalistic Tarot that the astral light increases and decreases with the moon's waxing and waning) the dreams have more substance, and they seem more colorful and real. It isn't because our brains are more energetic, it's because there's more astral light to fuel the dreams.

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