Ma'aseh Barashith and Tarot Pathworking

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Ma'aseh Barashith and Tarot Pathworking

Post#1 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 4:03 am

Ma'aseh Barashith and Tarot Pathworking has lead to some profound insights. I'm using the classical tarot designations not the Golden Dawn's/Aleister Crowley blasphemy against tarot imo.
Eliphas Levi illuminated in Ritual of Higher Magic:
Thus, the word employed by Moses, read kabalistically, gives the description
and definition of that magical Universal Agent, represented in all theogonies by
the serpent (Nechesh)
14 NUN.- Transmutation (14th tarot card)
8 CHET. - Strength (8th tarot card)
21 SHIN.- The Fool (21st tarot card)
Chatgpt and I expounded on and divined these meanings.
Nun - Nun is associated with the concept of transmutation, this would symbolize the serpent as an agent of profound change and transformation, promising eve, "ye shall become like gods."
Chet- it would symbolize the inner strength and moral fortitude that Eve exercises in her decision. It emphasizes the courage to confront and engage with the unknown or forbidden
Shin- in context could reflect the leap of faith or folly in believing the serpent's words, leading humanity into a new reality of moral awareness and the knowledge of good and evil.

Some other insights were in the hebrew word for god El, gematria value of 31, is Aleph- the magus and Lamed- the hanged man
Chatgpt: Indeed, the juxtaposition of The Hanged Man and The Magician (Magus) to interpret "El" (אל) provides a rich, symbolic depth to the concept of divinity within this esoteric framework. Let's delve into what this combination signifies:
The Hanged Man symbolizes surrender, new perspectives, and, in many traditions, a kind of sacrifice or pause that leads to enlightenment or a deeper understanding. It represents the willingness to let go of the immediate to grasp the eternal, suggesting a form of wisdom that comes from seeing the world differently.
Aleph (א) as The Magician (I) embodies the active will and the creative power that initiates the act of creation. The Magician's role symbolizes the divine ability to manifest reality from the potential, drawing upon the elemental forces to bring light into existence.
At first this description of of El אל seemed like a naive god to me. Bringing creation into existence knowing Adam would sin. But then I was reminded of the Crucifixion of Jesus in it's relation to the Hanged Man.
Another interesting path is the Hebrew word for fire (Ash אש) which is the magician and the fool.
The Hebrew word for water is Mayim. Mayim (מים) - "Water"
Mem (מ): Death - The word for water, mayim, begins and ends with Mem, symbolizing transformation, endings leading to new beginnings, and the cyclic nature of existence. The repetition of Mem (Death Card) in "mayim" emphasizes the profound, life-sustaining, and transformative qualities of water, which is essential for life yet also embodies the power of dissolution and renewal.
The Hebrew Ayin (the blasted tower) makes it's appearance in the third day when god commands vegetation to sprout on the earth. Perhaps signifying the creative spark.
I see the Magus as the microscopus and the world card as the macroscopus. But if we were to break open this micro/macroscope we would see the processes and inner workings in the tenth card, The Wheel of Fortune, which corresponds to the Hebrew Yod.

There's more but I would like to hear some of y'all's insights/comments on the subject. Is this considered pathworking? Haha. I'm particularly perplexed in using this framework how often the Resh (the last judgement) card comes up and is used. I haven't been able to make much sense of it any thoughts or ideas? But in one instance god curses the serpent (Arur atah) using the resh (final judgement) twice.

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