Quick Report off a ritual to Gabriel for a blessing

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.

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Quick Report off a ritual to Gabriel for a blessing

Post#1 » Thu May 19, 2011 4:12 am

Hey everyone,

This ritual was done late last year.

I summoned Gabriel but didn't think my summoning was successful - I used the Grimoire by Rufus.

So anyhow, I thought I was talking to the air. I had just purchased a brand new car and I asked Gabriel to bless my car for me. But considering I thought it was a fail in terms of Gabriel appearing, I didn't bother thinking too much about it and went to bed (I summoned before bed).

The next morning I was getting ready to go to work when I walked outside and just stopped in my tracks, I saw a glow around my car. I was thinking 'omg what if people are seeing this' and I started to panic. So I called my mum out and said 'do you notice anything different about the car?' and she said 'I don't know anything about cars, what's supposed to be different'. So I knew she couldn't see the very obvious glow that I could see.

I drove it to work like that, I drove it home like that. The next day it was gone.

Didn't write this for six months or so because I'm afraid people are going to laugh at me and tell me I was imagining things, but here it is. Take it or leave it. I know what I saw.


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