My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Adeptus Minor
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My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

Post#1 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:54 pm

Hello brothers and sisters, peace be with you !

I'm a long time lurker. I've been reading the NAP book (front to back) for a few weeks now, and after some thought decided to give it a go. I wanted to thank the wonderful people on this site for giving me so much good, accurate, wise information not only regarding NAP but magic in general.

I have ZERO experience in magical affairs. That's also to say, I have no psychic gifts of any kind.

However, I'm very experienced in meditation. I've studied loads of Chinese martial arts, including Qigong, tai chi, baguazhang and xingyiquan. So while my psychic skills have yet to be established, I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to ME (I've developed my will, intention and sensitivity.)

I started my working yesterday. It looks like this:

Toothaches Ritual
1.) Uncrossing Banishing
2.) Prayer, Repentence
2.) Meditation (basic breath counting, relaxation, getting in the zone)
3.) NAP statement of intent & invoking of Mighty Arzel
4.) NAP Middle Pillar Ritual
5.) NAP Bornless Ritual
6.) NAP Invocation (right now, money/Nitika) x3
7.) Uncrossing Banishing, prayer of thanks and gratitude.

* The first time I did the working, as soon as I spoke the name "Nitika" I felt vertigo and also pins and needles all over myself. I was also smiling quite a bit, charged up. Possible placebo? (have NOT felt the vertigo since, and presence never.)
* I feel enormous energy doing the MPR, Borneless ritual. Since I have experience with qigong and internal martial arts, it's a bit like "chi" but it comes out of the blue. Stays a few hours after, longer than any martial arts energy work I've done. Kind of interesting.
* I feel the ritual gives tremendous exercising of your will, focus, confidence.
* Find many similarties to internal martial arts practice, as in exercising intent and feeling energy.
* I plan on adding the Dee-Hay Thooth ending soon.

Since I'm having money problems, I did not expect too much out of this, because I'm a bit anxious of it working. It's not that I have money problems, I have trouble budgeting and have many bills. I'm very behind in debt. After my first working yesterday, I bought a scratch ticket. No results. Did not expect any, but was hopeful.

Today, about 5 minutes after finishing the ritual, my employer texted me and asked if I wanted some overtime next week (never happens). This made me pretty happy. I invoked Nitika again, thanked Him and lit incense in his honor. I will continue this ritual for the rest of the week (invoking Nikita, not the incense.)

(Note: I've read many many many posts, and did not find any about this. Forgive me if it's out there, I just haven't come across it yet.)

When I do the ritual, I do not feel any presence, despite vibrating Nitikas name many times. This may be due to me not having any psychic abilities developed yet. I'm not sure. I still continue with the ritual, in case I am not able to "sense" the angel being there yet. I feel energy pulse through me, but feel it's from myself/higherself (since it happens before the NAP spell.)

My other question is, I'd like to do the NAP Middle Pillar and NAP Bornless ritual all the time, it feels so good. It feels a bit like an exercise to improve health, spiritual power, grounding. A bit like meditation. Is there any problem with "practicing" these two, outside of an official working/spell?

Is there anything about my ritual, working, that I should change? Thank you in advance. I plan on working this system a long time.

In closing...
I feel, all "personal gain" aside, these rituals are very good for "the great work", becoming spiritually awake. I've noticed a change in myself already, and it's only my second day. These are very powerful, if you do them with 100% intent, confidence in your ability. I'm hoping to get closer to my guardian angel. It's also motivation to become more religious, a better person if you will.

I also think I may have better results when I've done it more than 2 days (LOL), and I also think it may work better if my requests are selfless and based out of love. Just a thought I had, though!

I hope this account has helped. Thank you for your time.
Peace and love

Posts: 15

Re: My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

Post#2 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:08 pm

Hi toothache ,welcome to the forum. You seem to be going about the NAP ritual in the way several forum members have mentioned they practise it.This though is not really the way GGC's book gives it , he suggests the nap ritual to point A followed by the chosen invocation ,to be honest I too was not satisfied with how the original method felt and never felt like i was going to get any results from it. I never got around to doing it your way as i felt that after the middle pillar the attracting and banishing method worked far better.

Anyway it will be interesting to see what results you get so do keep us posted.

wish you success.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

Post#3 » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:37 am

toothache wrote:Questions
(Note: I've read many many many posts, and did not find any about this. Forgive me if it's out there, I just haven't come across it yet.)

When I do the ritual, I do not feel any presence, despite vibrating Nitikas name many times. This may be due to me not having any psychic abilities developed yet. I'm not sure. I still continue with the ritual, in case I am not able to "sense" the angel being there yet. I feel energy pulse through me, but feel it's from myself/higherself (since it happens before the NAP spell.)

My other question is, I'd like to do the NAP Middle Pillar and NAP Bornless ritual all the time, it feels so good. It feels a bit like an exercise to improve health, spiritual power, grounding. A bit like meditation. Is there any problem with "practicing" these two, outside of an official working/spell?

Is there anything about my ritual, working, that I should change? Thank you in advance. I plan on working this system a long time.

In closing...
I feel, all "personal gain" aside, these rituals are very good for "the great work", becoming spiritually awake. I've noticed a change in myself already, and it's only my second day. These are very powerful, if you do them with 100% intent, confidence in your ability. I'm hoping to get closer to my guardian angel. It's also motivation to become more religious, a better person if you will.

I also think I may have better results when I've done it more than 2 days (LOL), and I also think it may work better if my requests are selfless and based out of love. Just a thought I had, though!

I hope this account has helped. Thank you for your time.
Peace and love

Just keep doing it, eventually - you will start "feeling" the entities you invoke. As well, results are main indicators of success.

There should be no problem doing the NAP MPR and the Bornless Ritual. If you have the time, do it twice a day for a much faster growth. NAP MPR is NAP way of getting your "subtle bodies" accustomed to the energy of the elements, the NAP Bornless Ritual is a modified version to attain K&CHGA BTW.

I don't think so but I will leave it up to your discretion, if something feels off then by all means - change and amend. Maybe do the gratitude rite then do the uncrossing ritual after (if you don't do that already).

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

Post#4 » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:44 pm

Thank you both for the replies and advice. I really appreciate it!

I think the main thing with me not feeling a presence is my ability to reach deep enough relaxation. I believe I am too preoccupied
with intent of calling the spirit and performing the ritual correctly.

One thing I have gained through this practice, i feel, is power.
i admit i was a bit nervous the first few times, calling a spirit to me.

Invoking the power of my HGA/God/whatever before performing the ritual
was an eye opener and an awesome experience that i believe can carry over
to my daily life.

Almost like a strength ive never tapped into before. "The armor of god"
it felt like. =)

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: My results/thoughts/feedback using NAP

Post#5 » Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:04 pm

I thought Id follow up here.

After my initial first post (this thread), my workings fell by the wayside. I didnt touch any NAP for a few months.

Recently, feeling a bit lost, I burned a 7 day white candle for guidance. I charged it, engraved it, used oil, prayed and meditated while it burned.

Two things happened. One was I bought a book on prayer that opened my eyes to alot of interesting new ways of approaching prayer (Ernest Holmes prayer.)

The second thing that happened was my interest in all things NAP and occult were renewed. I honestly think NAPs exercises are an excellent way to get in touch with yourself spiritually.

So I wrote out all the spells into a leather bound journal creating my own grimoire of any of you do this?

Ive only worked a few chants so far but the results seemed powerful. I now use a self hypnosis app on my phone to induce trance state.

To name a few, chant for love brought a new girl into my life. Win a legal action helped a friend. Ive also had things just work out for me in general lately.

One spell i wanted to touch on was the defensive armor ritual. I did this one before bed (was quite simply relaxed and tired before bed.)

Post working, sleep was difficult. Lots of strange visions and energies inside. I know this is probably me getting used to how magick effects me.

I want to recommend to any new ppl to NAP to write out the spells into your own notebook. Not only does it make referencing easier, but seems to charge them and makes you more familiar with the spells. I have a few memorized, not intentially.

Thanks again to Mr Gray-Cobb, may he rest in power, and everyone here especially. I hope to make an informative writing on NAP someday in hopes to help others in some way.

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