Magical Advice And Consulting And Magic For Hire

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Magical Advice And Consulting And Magic For Hire

Post#1 » Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:25 am

Dear Magical Seeker,

I am again making myself

available as a magical

and supernatural advisor

and consultant. You may talk

with me over mine private

telephone for one hour

at $75 dollars for one hour.

I will answer your questions

about all things magical,

and how to solve your

life problems using

magic and modern


I will teach you

how to cast spells

and perform magical

rituals that get you

the results that

you want.

I will followup on

your telephone call

with email messages

to make certain and

ensure that you get

the results that

you want.

I believe that you understand

your own problems intimately

because you know yourself

and your life better than I do.

However under my guidance

and with mine 39 years of

magical experience you will

learn how to have magical

success after magical success

and do this repeatedly.

Should you ever require

magical help with mine

own spells cast and rituals

worked by me and for you,

I will do this for you

at an additional fee starting

at $150 for one month of

spells cast and rituals worked.

If you do not get the results

that you want after three

months, the spells will be

recast and the rituals

worked again for one

more month.

I offer special lower fees

and rates for clients who

order for more than one

month and for those

who reorder mine

magical services.

My biggest strength lies

with mine knowledge of

modern grimoires like

The Mystic Grimoire Of

Mighty Spells And Rituals

and The Miracle Of

New Avatar Power

and Secrets From

Beyond The Pyramids

and The Necronomicon

Spell Book

and Power Secrets

From A Sorcerers

Magnum Arcanum.

I am also well versed

in love and lust

and seduction magic

for adults only.

I work both

black and white magic,

which are merely labels

for the spirits that I call,

and the energies that

I raise.

I am very effective

and well practiced

in cursing and hexing

enemies that have

wronged you,

and will teach you

how to protect yourself

and your loved ones

from harm and hurt.

I will not offer

love and lust

and seduction

spells and rituals

to teenagers.

Please note that there

will be no exceptions here.

I guarantee all mine spell

casting and ritual working

and will offer to recast

your spells and rework

your rituals for one month,

after three months

have passed,

if you do not get

the results that

you requested.

Please call or

write me today

for mine advice

and consulting

and results

oriented magic.

I will continue to offer

mine magical knowledge

and services to you

and the magical community,

and I will not retire

as I had planned

and stated elsewhere.

I wish that you

have and live the life

that you have always

dreamed about through

magic that works for you.

Signed Brother
ButterBall AKA Tim

Email Me Here:

you can do magick

Mine Website With
Testimonials Here:


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