What is this?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4618

Re: What is this?

Post#71 » Fri May 30, 2014 7:43 am

Feywer96 wrote:
MagiAwen wrote:Feywer,
As I read some of your posts it is becoming clear that you have been told a lot of things by some questionable sources.....at least they seem questionable due to the content of the statements. I suggest that perhaps you start trying out what you are told and experiment yourself and come to your own conclusions.......

This was just a thing that I was told. I don't just blindly believe it because someone told me. I found out for myself that bad weather just isnt suited - for me (for workings) from my own experiences...

A bit about weather.

For sure we must take care of the mixing of sources. Many people just repeat without practice.
Some rituals have clear indications, like the goetia, to do the rituals with good weather.

But others no. So it's a personal working to align the working with the weather.
For example, to do a ritual during a ray storm with furious winds may be not the same for a calm day.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: What is this?

Post#72 » Fri May 30, 2014 10:18 pm

Here I go again! WTF? Elubatel what the hell do you want? I am a mere human of flesh and bones. I am not a supreme being that can wave a magic wand and make the universe full of unicorns and rainbows.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: What is this?

Post#73 » Fri May 30, 2014 10:21 pm

This is just weird.......What is the connection between Arzel and Elubatel?
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: What is this?

Post#74 » Fri May 30, 2014 11:13 pm

Feywer96 wrote:
summerland wrote:Lately things have not been right with me. Coarse of events....just bad....Thought maybe i brought it on myself. I did my rituals tonite during my rituals it poured down rain, After i finished it stopped completely. I went to fix me something to eat (to ground myself) I warmed up some soup on the stove lights start flickering (no storm) I eat and go to bed.

A tip: never perform magic rituals in bad weather, they just kinda don't 'mix' (well, unless you are working a rite of air or water or something)..

Elubatel doesnt give a damn if it was sun shining with little fluffy bunnies running around...LOL....He probably have Elmer Tudd running around saying "Wheres that crazy rabbit" There is no weather, time, he comes on a whim.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Magister Templi
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Re: What is this?

Post#75 » Fri May 30, 2014 11:26 pm

I'm quoting MagiAwen comment again just because I found it really very good and usefull to any working that means a great work:

MagiAwen wrote:As far as I can tell and remember (because I'm usually only paying attention to the forum for a few weeks each year when I'm working with people here), there were at least four of us who called Elubatel in a similar fashion all about 1-2 years ago. I believe Summerland did his about a year or 18 months ago, mine in the spring of 2012. We have all had similar results with this....what we are calling current that shows up.

What you ask for happens, however, if you balk at the seemingly negative things that move you quickly to that end, if you fight them or if, when the current slows and things seem to have "stopped", you go backwards, it seems to start up again. Usually subsiding 6 months at a time.

I am starting to think, however, that other things are also at work here.

I am leaving you some advice here because it may also be helpful for others, not just with Elubatel but in general. Feel free to continue to PM though, concerning what we spoke of earlier.

Don't fight the current. Part of the reason I think some of us describe it as a current is because it is different than other things that come up through an invocation or evocation. Like a river's current, the more you fight it, itself, the more tired you are going to get.

Negative things are only negative until we are able to get far enough past them to find that in the larger picture they weren't all that negative or they were necessary.

As was discussed other places, when this current arrives opportunities are flung at you from all directions, some of them are difficult to recognize as such and it can be overwhelming to have so many and seemingly so many directions to go in. You CAN weed them out. Part of this seems also to be teaching the magician not only to see opportunities out there but to recognize bullshit.

Since you are stressing and can't seem to remember dreams, have you tried simply asking Elubatel to show you what you need to know? Try letting go of your internal struggle and meditating on what it is "he" is trying to get through to you. Tell him to stop having you guess if that is what is happening.

Remember that the magicians in the old grimoires would call up the powers in order to learn how to be magicians or to be better magicians or to learn how to do something. They were not all just toying with trying to get "superpowers" and be batman. They were calling up these entities to be their instructors of the things they seemed to have influence over.

Elubatel, or this current, is not against you personally. Again it's similar to a river, river's don't try to kill people or make their lives harder, they are just rivers. You cannot get in one and then blame the river for not being able to swim well. But you CAN relax and see where it takes you and do your best to avoid snags and rocks. You can also do your best to have the river slow down and gently move you to the shore.

Magician's are conduits for forces, you are able to direct this or at least understand how to flow with it. It won't all be tragic circumstances that come about, by working with it both magically and mundanely you can master it and it will from there subside and stay that way.

When the current seems to have instigated something negative, losing job...go out and look for that job that opened on or about the day that this happened. I have not seen yet where something in this current was "taken away" when there wasn't something better out there, you just have to be wide open for finding it, in all ways. Be proactive about your financial situation, find the community resources available to you to mitigate your situation...you will either find something to get you through the interim or on the way to that you will find something else. Perhaps some lost cash. It happens.

Take salt baths, meditate clear your home of other negative influences. I'm still thinking there is something else going on other than this current coming back strong.... perhaps even something that instigated it. It's not up to find out exactly what, you'll drive yourself crazy trying to pin down the source, instead start ruling things out by doing some or all of these things.

Be careful you don't curse yourself.

:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: What is this?

Post#76 » Sat May 31, 2014 9:23 am

Gilbert.....Im going to see how this goes....
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 204

Re: What is this?

Post#77 » Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:21 am

The incantaion for Elubatel in NAP is very general. I'm just curious if people call on him for success in a specific endeavour or use the incantaion as is. Kind of success in life in general?


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Magister Templi
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Re: What is this?

Post#78 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:23 am

Zadok wrote: The incantaion for Elubatel in NAP is very general. I'm just curious if people call on him for success in a specific endeavour or use the incantaion as is. Kind of success in life in general?

Yeah, both of these. But first do a thread search on Elubatel...he's stirred up alot of stuff for some people on this forum, not all in a pleasant way.
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Magister Templi
Posts: 4618

Re: What is this?

Post#79 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:57 am

Zadok wrote:The incantaion for Elubatel in NAP is very general. I'm just curious if people call on him for success in a specific endeavour or use the incantaion as is. Kind of success in life in general?


Being successful vary for each one. Someone want to be sucessfull in all life areas.

So, the chant can be used for some very specific thing.

The work to result this may vary according with your personal needs.

Posts: 204

Re: What is this?

Post#80 » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:11 am

Astar_Mundi wrote:
Zadok wrote: The incantaion for Elubatel in NAP is very general. I'm just curious if people call on him for success in a specific endeavour or use the incantaion as is. Kind of success in life in general?

Yeah, both of these. But first do a thread search on Elubatel...he's stirred up alot of stuff for some people on this forum, not all in a pleasant way.

Yeah I did the search. I was wondering if ELubatel was called for a specific thing but he effected the whole life experience. Sorry for not being clear.


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