Dee Hay Thooth or Deay-Thu-Th? Cobb's original source.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Dee Hay Thooth or Deay-Thu-Th? Cobb's original source.

Post#1 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:16 pm

After extensive research and work (picking up a copy of Ben Woodcroft's The Angel Overlord's ), I read that Dee Hay Thooth comes from the work of English mystic Olive Pixely. This forum is mentioned as well. (Update: Read back this section recently and not sure where I got this idea. I thought the forum was mentioned without naming names but I have neuro issues so I think I put 2 and 2 together wrong).

Her books are impossible to find but I did use to grab a copy of a pdf from a now defunct website that contains a copy of the original exercise. There are a few Youtube videos talking about her if you search her name. The exercise was originally in her book Armour Of Light (Volume 1, I think). If anyone knows a good occult library or has a friend who might have a copy, that would be great. I searched but can't find it myself.

There are various the threads on the forum that I read before joining but given Geof Gray Cobb's heritage, this answer seems the most likely. I have neurological and memory issues so thinking gets 'smeared' and confused but in the thread by raum215 on the origins, I get a real jibing with Olive Pixely's ideas. From the pdf - 'Jesus spoke Aramaic and His Name sounds like Deay-Thu-Th.'

I'm wearing myself out looking for an attachment option (found it) so here's the link I used. They have updated some of her exercises but the Lightprayer 16 seems untouched.

An extract:

Lightprayer 16
Jesus spoke Aramaic and His Name sounds like Deay-Thu-Th.
Lightprayer for morning and during the day
This Lightprayer can be done in all positions (like all other Lightprayers)
1. Breath-in deeply and visualise (!) while breathing-out as follows:
2. from the right upper side on the back of your head, a deep-blue coloured line going
down on the sound of Deay to the nape of the neck
3. still breathing-out you draw a line of the same deep blue colour on the nape of the
neck on the sound of Ay from right to left
4. still breathing-out, you draw a deep blue line from the left (end of the nape of the
neck) diagonally to the top of the then formed blue-lined triangle on the sound of Ay.
5. the whole is performed on basis of breathing-in and then breathing-out on the sound
of Deay-Ay-Ay drawing this blue-lined triangle on the back of the head
6. Breath-in again and draw on the sound of THU (speak out like THOO), a blue lined
chalice on the top of the head. From above the head on the left top side using the
head as basis to above the top of the head on the right side, draw a deep vivid blue
line shaping this chalice (like in the drawing)
7. While doing this, you attract and receive all the white light in this blue-lined chalice.
8. Breath out now on the sound of TH, spoken out as softly like in a slight breeze
9. visualise (!) a flash of white light that comes through the head, flashes through the
body and ends in the left side in a spiral movement forwards and feels like a pulse.
10. When exercised enough it will be like: Deay-ay-ay-thu-th spoken out harmoniously in
a long stretched sound


Here's the link: ... rayers.pdf

Here's the pdf:
(855.32 KiB) Downloaded 853 times

From Gareth Knight's blog (To give you an idea of the time she was around.
), "There was a great deal of this about at the time. It was the period when Alice Bailey made her first contacts with the Tibetan, when Olive Pixley developed her system of the Armour of Light under inner instruction, when W.B.Yeats received the complex teaching, through the automatic writing of his wife Georgie, that he later published as “A Vision” To give you an idea of the time she was around.

Edit: 18/02 - Changed title to make it clearer that this is the origin of the invocation).
Last edited by Mubwump on Thu Feb 18, 2021 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 6

Re: Dee Hay Thooth or Deay-Thu-Th?

Post#2 » Mon Feb 01, 2021 5:33 pm

I just had a look outside of DuckDuckGo and found this about Olive Pixley. I had heard that her work was channeled. This gives some insight into this as it says her brother died during WW1 and communicated with her from the other side. Will require google translate.

Topic author
Posts: 6

Re: Dee Hay Thooth or Deay-Thu-Th? Cobb's original source.

Post#3 » Wed Mar 03, 2021 4:09 pm

Through a search on a completely different topic, I just discovered that the information I posted has already been posted on this forum but didn't show up when I searched for it.


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