Is the Enochian Material just another rehash...?

Personal Encounters and Experiences with Enochian Entities.

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Is the Enochian Material just another rehash...?

Post#1 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:55 pm

[This article is actually a response to someone who said the EE are the "same angels of the Heptameron and other grimoires". -From another yahoo forum]

Is the Enochian Material just another rehash of prior grimoires?

Are the EE the same angels from, let's say, the "Heptameron"?

Enochian Magic was forbidden to Dee and Kelley.


We know Dee and Kelley had access to these older grimoires.

To postulate that Dee and Kelley had prior communication with angels from these
"other grimoires" is not far fetched.

So, why was Enochian Magic forbidden to Dee and Kelley?

If 'Oip-Teaa-Pdoce' was just 'other angel with a different name'- how come
Dee/Kelley 'were not allowed' to evoke this EE in ritual?

Why weren't they given a ritual format to communicate with 'Oip-Teaa-Pdoce'?

Mapsama tells them to be patient.

Gabriel tells them they will never understand the magnitude of what has been
delivered to them.

Kelley believed the EE to be deceivers, even though he worked with other angels
of older grimoires.

Kelley, being the EE 'contact', knew there was a difference between EE and
'other angels'..
[Kelley was an experienced magickian, scryer and necromancer, after all]

If EE are the same angels of other grimoires, why was Kelley lying?
Why should we even believe Kelley at all, then?

--Are we to believe after several years of Dee and Kelley working together, all
they accomplished was bringing to the magickal world 'just another way of
contacting the same angels from other grimoires'?

Ironically, if this is true, how come there really is not a defined way of
contacting the EE?
[Other grimoires provide insight into contacting their 'resident entities']

Gabriel makes it clear:
The Doctrine delivered to Dee and Kelley is a "flayle". It is an instrument of
"Thrashing". [TFR page #161]

This is all about Transformation.

Comparing the above to, let's say- the "Heptameron", might cause confusion...

Certainly the Heptarchia Mystica can be used to achieve some 'mundane favors',
as well as using the WatchTower 'cacodaemons' for personal mundane

But, that is a very small part of the Enochian Material.
[The EE did not condone the summoning of WatchTower 'evil spirits'. by the way]

The Enochian Entities make it clear all other systems of magick [besides Their
Own Materials] is black...

Ave tells them God sent false and deceiving angels to punish man and teach them
black magick.

These "false and deceiving angels to punish man" would be the angels of the
Heptameron, according to Ave.

Ave also speaks about the 150 lions- "spirits of wickedness, error and deceit"
which are the fallen angels who taught men "demonic magic", or Goety.

To categorize the EE as "the same angels from other grimoires" are calling the
EE 'fallen angels' who are "spirits of wickedness, error and deceit".

In EE's defense--This is why I personally, would NOT lump EE in with 'a bad
crowd'- if we are to believe what Ave says, anyway..

The Enochian Materials is not a system, per see, but rather, a cryptic blueprint
to Universes within Universes.
Keys to explore them and the communication of it's Dwellers.
It is about Transformation and Evolving.
It is the Highest Magick [if It can even be called "Magick"]

Saying EE are the same angels of other grimoires limits Them in Their ability.
[I personally would not use a Tree of Life diagram for the Enochian Materials]

The Heptameron, on the other hand, is:

-Consecrations and Benedictions


-"The Spirits of the Air... their nature is to procure Gold, Gemmes, Carbuncles,
Riches; to cause one to obtain favour and benevolence; to dissolve the enmities
of men; to raise men to honors; to carry or take away informities"

-"The Spirits of the Air of Munday ...their nature is to give silver; to convey
things from place to place; to make horses swift, and to disclose the secrets of
persons both present and future..."

An Enochian Magickian knows the EE energies can never fully be banished and
continue to linger.

The 'Solomonic circles', however, contain their "own" energies, keeping it
tight, allowing no 'PSI residue' to bleed through-out their home for weeks on

This article was my attempt, my argument, [and *my own opinion*]- about why the
Enochian Entities [EE] are NOT the same entities of older grimoires.
No one is capable of labeling them self an expert regarding the Enochian
It is too much of an open book for absolute closure.
An opinion becomes fact when proof is presented.

Until now, it is all conjecture.

I am always open minded.
If valid proof was presented, I would gladly concede in my stance that EE did
not provide just another redundant avenue to express what has already been in


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