Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#21 » Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:01 pm

Hi Guys,

I know I'm reviving an old thread - but I stumbled across it and thought it's the best place to respond.

I received the NAP book about 9 days ago (as per having read all the success stories on this forum - thanks Vovin/BBB&co for bringing this gem to the foreground), it took me little time to read it from cover to cover and to start practicing! Now my magickal background is somewhat broad, so the outline of the rituals in NAP are nothing new to me (But I have to admit Mr Gray-Cobb's ability to condense this all into such an easily workable system is quite unique! The book could have probably been summarized into 10 pages, but I think the stories are an interesting read and do add a type of "well if they can do it, so can I" positive attitude (to break down ones own barriers) which is needed in magickal practice.

Non-the-less after having performed 2 of the rituals so far this week I can say this book and the magic it contains has been extremely powerful for me, as I have seen almost immediate results. I think I may have stuffed up a bit on the follow through (partly due to the fact I wasn't prepared for the results to come as fast as they did), but needless to say the spirits definitely did get the ball rolling!

I will definitely be continuing testing this over the next few weeks and if it continues to provide the same level of results, I will be incorporating this into part of my fixed routine!
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#22 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:11 am

Ok this is ridiculous (re: my above post) - the effects of those first 2 spells are still unfolding! Does anyone know any "thankyou" rights to thank these NAP spirits? (I'm used to working with the goetic entities - who usually stipulate what they want prior to the workings, where as these NAP spirits seem just eager to please).
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 689

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#23 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:43 am

Last edited by Grab on Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
(quoted from

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#24 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:55 am

Frater EOE when working with the NAP spirits I use the outline in this thread to thank them. ... f=23&t=225

Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#25 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:27 am

Grab wrote:Funny to hear as I've tried many of the NAP spells many times, and only gotten some very weak results from one or two operations (always the dark ones which worries me slightly).

Grab: did you perform the spells using the exact formula from the book? I actually performed my usual QC, LBRP and MPL as I normal do (Regardie/G.D. style - compared to that of the author) - I didn't want to change them seeing as I have been working with (and building) them up for many years. Which may or may not be the reason why I am getting results but I definitely will be testing both methods in time.

Vovin wrote:Frater EOE when working with the NAP spirits I use the outline in this thread to thank them. ... f=23&t=225

Thanks Vovin, that's exactly the info I was looking for! :)
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 689

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#26 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:58 am

Last edited by Grab on Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
(quoted from

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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#27 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:54 am

Hey Grab, Interesting post - I guess different systems do resonate differently within different people. It is a shame though that you didn't see some better results with NAP :( I guess the main thing is that you can get effects by other means (which is the main goal anyway)!

I'll post up some specifics soon, but I still want to watch the effects for the next week or two to see what else may come from this (My main intent hasn't come to fruition 100% yet - but I can see it building up, and I am very much enjoying the side-effects in the mean time)! :)
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#28 » Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:34 pm

Frater EOE wrote:Hey Grab, Interesting post - I guess different systems do resonate differently within different people. It is a shame though that you didn't see some better results with NAP :( I guess the main thing is that you can get effects by other means (which is the main goal anyway)!

I'll post up some specifics soon, but I still want to watch the effects for the next week or two to see what else may come from this (My main intent hasn't come to fruition 100% yet - but I can see it building up, and I am very much enjoying the side-effects in the mean time)! :)

Wow, Frater EOE,

You sound very excited about your NAP results.

I know I suggested this before,

but performing the Invocation of the Headless One (the Goodwin translation),

before the spells in the front of the book or the rituals in the back,

sometimes works wonders.

Also consider using the Defensive Armor Ritual before the other spells and rituals.

Franz Bardon described Mahasiah and Lelahel as being capable of achieving almost anything

and bestowing good luck (I am paraphrasing this as I don't have his PME book here).

Brother BBB

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Frater EOE
Posts: 103

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#29 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:52 am

Hi Brother BBB, Many thanks for the tips! I have been using a newer longer Bornless Ritual (Re: The preliminary Invocation as published in The Goetia circa: 1903) so far but will have to track down a copy of the original Goodwyn version (I did a search on the forum for the keywords "headless one" and found your original post - but could only find the Samekh Comparison pdf, and I have an incomplete version given in Appendix 1 of Regardie's "Ceremonial Magic"). If you have an electronic copy of the one you use, are you able to kindly PM it to me (only if its handy)? It is probably right under my nose somewhere and I'm too tired to realise it!

Just out of curiosity - if you don't mind me asking, why do you prefer the Goodwyn version? I was under the assumption that the differences between that and the later versions is a completely different intent (i.e. The original performed as a ritual to exorcise evil spirits, and the later being used to invoke the spirit of the "Bornless One" of which all spirits are subservient)? I'm definitely interested in trying it anyway to record any differences. :)

Is it possible to use the Defensive Armor Ritual before one of the Chants? (I might have taken the authors words about only performing one ritual/chant per day a little bit too literally - even though it makes sense that this would be a wise rite to perform as a precursor). I'm also hanging to try your supplement to this ritual as well - so much to do, so little time!! :)

Kind Regards, Frater EoE
"Be on your guard against all who are subordinate to you ... Trust no brother, know no friend, make no intimates."

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#30 » Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:20 pm

Hello Frater EOE,

I am using the Charles Wycliffe Goodwin translation
mainly because this ritual is brief and to the point.

I was trying to find an effective form of banishing
to supplement Mr. Geof Gray-Cobb's Uncrossing Ritual.

And the London Papyrus 46 seems to work well.

The ritual is on page 12 of the Goetia translated
by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers.

This version was edited with an introduction
by Aleister Crowley.

If you are having success as you described,
maybe you should continue doing what you are doing.
Please keep all of us posted about your results.


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