Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#1 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:05 pm

Hi, Madame_Phoenix here, and I will be making a more formal introduction shortly.

I have had the NAP book since February and began working with it in earnest since June. The first time I went through the sequence of the Gates, Circulation, Fountain, and Invocation of the Bornless One, I felt like I could climb the highest mountain. I then petitioned Nitika for some supplementary income. The very next day, I got a phone call from a place I'd casually called back in November to see if they were hiring part-time workers. I barely remembered speaking to them, and hadn't sent in a a resume or cover letter at that time. I only emailed them the resume on the day they called me for an interview. Two days later, I got the job, for two more dollars an hour than they usually pay, because they "loved my resume".

I was originally only supposed to help fill in for a few weeks, but they wanted to keep me on, and now I have a regular gig.This also helps me to diversify my skillset, meet interesting people from all around the world, and build my resume. So many thanks to Nitika! :Thank You

I was feeling very moody for a long time and couldn't figure out why, so I petitioned Kadriel. The next morning, I had an image of the spirit handing me something on a slip of paper. It contained the answer, and it was something so profound yet simple, and I was able to at least keep things in perspective.

A few months ago, I ended things with a lover (post-split from my husband, I've learned what I will and will not stand for) and petioned Kadriel back in June to see how he was dealing with it. (Hey, can't help but to be curious sometimes!) I got a text from a mutual friend the next evening that some of the ex-lover's friends had to admonish him to "quit mooning over the situation" with me. Thank you, Kadriel! :Thank You

I had been feeling very rundown, angry, and depressed about not only the split with the lover, but also my impending divorce; we've been separated for two years and now only have one more step before it's finalized. Although things were long over even before we separated and we ended on amicable terms, all of the paperwork stirred up a lot of memories both good and bad, and it's been a rough summer. After being able to square away the original mood thing with the help of Kadriel, I didn't want to revert back to feeling awful, but knew it would take more than just being provided with information. I petitioned Zoroel and Sabriel to help me release the anger (I worked with Mars and the color red from the back of the book), but also to regain my vitality, vim and vigor. I began this two days ago, and am smiling again and feeling spiffy when even a few days ago, I was both depleted and roiling with emotions. My leg is no longer hurting, either. Also, the morning after I did the first petition, 4 friends contacted me within the hour to invite me out, chat, and catch up. Since I've been pretty quiet about how I'd been feeling, this was rather serendipitous, and I think the spirits were telling me socializing and remembering people cared about me was important to my well-being.

Prior to this, they also helped me to stick to a diet, and I've lost 7 pounds in two weeks. Even when the emotional urges to eat were rearing their ugly heads, I was still able to make the best choices and not give in.

So thank you, Zoroel and Sabriel! :Thank You I love being back to my usual cheerful self!

Whenever I do these petitions to the spirits, I also back them up with the color/planet/corresponding chant from the back of the book, and seal everything with Dee-hay-tooth.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#2 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:43 pm

Good work! Awesome post. So what was on the slip of paper?
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 22

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#3 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:10 pm

summerland wrote:Good work! Awesome post. So what was on the slip of paper?

You seem like a cool cat, so I think you'll understand that it was about a pretty personal family matter.

Hope your roommate situation is finally over and done with!

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#4 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:23 pm

Awww.....Thank you....Yes i understand. Yea the bitch from hell! Finally gone! I keep finding pennies everywhere (like im so scared... :toss )
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 22

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#5 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:30 pm

If she's bothering you with pennies, chuck a 50-cent piece at her! ;)

So far, the only things that haven't been successful with me with NAP were getting a court date for the final divorce hearing when I wanted it. I asked Dynamis to help me, and I did the chant to win a court case, but ultimately, neither one was exactly applicable because it was more of an issue of the judges being on vacation at the time. Ah, well.

I had also modified the Chant to Excite Love to fit in with a more generalized suitable partner, and also worked with Venus and the color green from the back of the book. However, my afore-mentioned moods and being a little sporadic in doing this after a few days due to the moods likely factored in. I got the impression that until I got these things squared away, it likely wasn't a good idea to start a new relationship, anyway. What did happen was the manifestation of a few exciting and ego-stroking flirtations seemingly out of nowhere. (A pretty woman, a younger man who sincerely thought I was much younger, things like that.) They did not seem appropriate to follow up on, but it does show movement.

I went to work with Elubatel this past spring, but put in a stipulation that were I to get the depression many people speak of in these forums, that I just as well not have any contact, so I didn't feel a connection. I asked for his help when I first started this new job and saw "twinkles" of light in my room, and then had a successful start. When I went to work with him recently (just one night a week or so ago before deciding to focus on my moods), I saw a single black fly in my bathroom, then a giant cricket in my bedroom, but that was about it.

I got the insight that I wasn't supposed to be asking for him to highlight what paths for success there are for me right now, but to open up/ make new ones. I am strongly contemplating the wording, since I certainly don't want to get smacked around!

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#6 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:51 pm

Madame_Phoenix wrote:If she's bothering you with pennies, chuck a 50-cent piece at her! ;)

So far, the only things that haven't been successful with me with NAP were getting a court date for the final divorce hearing when I wanted it. I asked Dynamis to help me, and I did the chant to win a court case, but ultimately, neither one was exactly applicable because it was more of an issue of the judges being on vacation at the time. Ah, well.

I had also modified the Chant to Excite Love to fit in with a more generalized suitable partner, and also worked with Venus and the color green from the back of the book. However, my afore-mentioned moods and being a little sporadic in doing this after a few days due to the moods likely factored in. I got the impression that until I got these things squared away, it likely wasn't a good idea to start a new relationship, anyway. What did happen was the manifestation of a few exciting and ego-stroking flirtations seemingly out of nowhere. (A pretty woman, a younger man who sincerely thought I was much younger, things like that.) They did not seem appropriate to follow up on, but it does show movement.

I went to work with Elubatel this past spring, but put in a stipulation that were I to get the depression many people speak of in these forums, that I just as well not have any contact, so I didn't feel a connection. I asked for his help when I first started this new job and saw "twinkles" of light in my room, and then had a successful start. When I went to work with him recently (just one night a week or so ago before deciding to focus on my moods), I saw a single black fly in my bathroom, then a giant cricket in my bedroom, but that was about it.

I got the insight that I wasn't supposed to be asking for him to highlight what paths for success there are for me right now, but to open up/ make new ones. I am strongly contemplating the wording, since I certainly don't want to get smacked around!

Oh the Mighty Elubatel..... Yes i have seen in the past flashes of lightning dart from me. He is a challenge! They key to him when things go rough is to learn to BALANCE it. He is all about balance. I have stamped out fire all around me...Good, Bad.....My thoughts is to make Good come out of Bad to balance and stabilize it. When your depressed, put yourself in a better place (music maybe or meditation) Hes seeing if your learning. There are many topics here on him. Just dont fight it "Go with the Flow"
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 22

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#7 » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:42 pm

Yeah, that makes me a bit apprehensive, truth be told. I have myself and my stuff fairly well sorted out by this stage of my life (moody times due to life stressors notwithstanding), mainly due to no small amount of internal alchemy from my days as a tantric priestess as well as strong adherence to other disciplines.

I have a good working relationship with other beings, not the least of which is Ganesha. I am curious about Elubatel just because there's been so much buzz about him, but if there is going to be resultant chaos and drama (maybe not, if I have my act together?), then perhaps it is best to simply work for success with those whom I already know well enough.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#8 » Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:48 am

Madame_Phoenix wrote:Yeah, that makes me a bit apprehensive, truth be told. I have myself and my stuff fairly well sorted out by this stage of my life (moody times due to life stressors notwithstanding), mainly due to no small amount of internal alchemy from my days as a tantric priestess as well as strong adherence to other disciplines.

I have a good working relationship with other beings, not the least of which is Ganesha. I am curious about Elubatel just because there's been so much buzz about him, but if there is going to be resultant chaos and drama (maybe not, if I have my act together?), then perhaps it is best to simply work for success with those whom I already know well enough.

You might do well with Elubatel. He is very to the point and quick. Maybe just summon him first and explain this is what you want without the chaos and stress. Just be specific.... Ganesha and Elubatel have a lot of similarities.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 22

Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#9 » Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:29 pm

I wonder if he is amenable to a simple meet-and-greet to start.

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Re: Many thanks! Nitika, Kadriel, Zoroel, and Sabriel

Post#10 » Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:03 pm

In my experience, he is. I worked with him rather briefly once, with success, and called him up to see if he'd be willing to help a friend. I've since "set them up" :p and time will tell how that goes.

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