NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#1 » Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:04 pm

Hi, everyone. I'm curious to know whether people have gotten better results from NAP or GGC's Grimoire in terms of attracting money? Am in a situation where I really need money fast. I've been working my little butt off in "the real world," but am not seeing a lot of results from my efforts.

And, why do you think some people -- especially novices -- get better results sometimes than people who have worked with magic for a while? Do more experienced people just overthink it somehow?

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#2 » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:53 pm

Amberle wrote:Hi, everyone. I'm curious to know whether people have gotten better results from NAP or GGC's Grimoire in terms of attracting money? Am in a situation where I really need money fast. I've been working my little butt off in "the real world," but am not seeing a lot of results from my efforts.

And, why do you think some people -- especially novices -- get better results sometimes than people who have worked with magic for a while? Do more experienced people just overthink it somehow?

I think both grimoires have the potential to work equally well.

As to your second question,
the same could be said for the opposite; its generally a case by case scenario.

I believe a big part in making magick work, is believing it will work and not doubting yourself. Some people as they advance will overthink things and their results falter. Other people will start off shaky, thinking this may not work. On the other hand, you could start off very excited that this WILL work, having faith that it will.

I've never reaped huge amounts with Nitika. But he has almost always come through for me, within a few days, with various sums.

I say try both, see which one resonates with you more.

Posts: 2

Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#3 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:59 pm

As I have said, I am no Magician, i have only done this 2 days, and never did any type of evocation before.

Relax, take an epson salt bath to relax and ground, and do the evocation each day at the same time.

Why it worked for me, and not others i cannot say.

But I have been releasing all fears and cleansing the ego for about 4-5 years.

As for cleansing the ego or becoming aware of it. It is important because it is how you begin to become aware of the duality. The left brain ego is the source of all fears, doubt, anger and separation. Its the negative voice inside your head whispering all the time in mind chatter. If you are not aware or have begun the separation game, then you believe that voice of negativity and fear, and ego is you.

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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#4 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:58 pm

Welcome, Amberle.

Amberle wrote:And, why do you think some people -- especially novices -- get better results sometimes than people who have worked with magic for a while?

I don't know if that's true for everyone, but, for some reason with anything I try I tend to only get full results on my first attempt. NLP, NAP, tapping, affirmations, Silva, audios, whatever I try, supernatural or not.

Only visualizations worked more than once, but the results eventually undid themselves (some in extremely destructive ways), so I put them in the same category.

I assume my limiting beliefs get in the way. NAP, for example, worked beautifully the first time i used it, but in the months since then I've gotten multiple "beginnings" and "middles", but no "ends". They were not results that could wait for whenever, either.
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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#5 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:35 am

pasquali 1980 wrote:As I have said, I am no Magician, i have only done this 2 days, and never did any type of evocation before.
<snipped a bunch of off topic stuff>

pasquali 1980 ... the main question the OP is asking is whether NAP or MG is better to attract cash. It's not a thread to just start rambling about your complete lack of experience with NAP, nor to start spinning theories mushing NAP into some new age hodge podge.

I've deleted two of your other equally or more off topic posts. Please refrain from attempting to give advice about things you obviously have no experience with.

Oh, and it's Nitika, not Nikita. Nitika is an entity classically known as genius of precious stones and presiding over the 6th hour of the day. Nikita is an awful spy movie starring Sidney Poitier. Further, Nitika is not some newage figment of your imagination, which will be obvious to you once you have more experience with NAP.

To the OP, I think Toothache's post is on target. One thing that I might suggest is that regardless of what the case histories in NAP say, I wouldn't bet the bank that Nitika or any entity will radically change your financial situation without serious mundane work on your end. Nitika has been good to me, but generally in relatively small amounts ... enough to put out a fire but not like winning the lottery.

However, with a bit of strategy in the request, I have had great success with Nitika helping to put together business deals that are still proving lucrative 3 years after the working.

As far as which is better, try them both. MG and NAP to me are quite different in practice, and I think it's more of a personal style question of which one to work with. The only way to tell is to seriously work them both, and see which one resonates with you more.


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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#6 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:03 am

Well stick with some goal for a week or a month each and see which works better for you.

I dont know what Grimoire is, I have only tried NAP, and for a very short time so have to see where it leads me.

Got another 100 today, it seems to be small amounts. Not sure what the limits of it is, but for me its been 50 to 200 dollar increments so far.

I also burned 2 candles in gratitude as I said I would, one for Arzel and one for Nitika. And will burn 2 more tomorrow as well.

Just keep trying Amberle, tweak it if you need to. For me after the invocation as I said, i thanked Nitika for coming and just told him what was going on in my life and what I have gone through, and why i need the money. And then i released him to go and work on what I had asked for, and let it go and went on with the day.

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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#7 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:00 am

Thanks so much, Provenant and Toothache.

Thanks especially, Provenant, for engaging on the slew of e-mails that did seem to come out of nowhere.

I've worked with NAP many years ago without a lot of success (had more success with Wicca), but was guided in a meditation to try it again. I hadn't thought of it for years. I couldn't find my copy of NAP first, so went on Amazon to see if I could find a used one. I'm glad, as it led me to Brother Moloch's review and, eventually, this forum. Interestingly, the location of my copy also became clear in meditation, so it really felt like something was guiding me back to it.

Going through a pretty rough time right now, and have been working hard in the mundane world, but feel blocked. Hoping for a little assist from the spiritual world. Even a lifting of the fear would be a great help.

Thanks for the community!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: NAP vs. Grimoire for money attraction?

Post#8 » Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:18 am

Amberle wrote:Hi, everyone. I'm curious to know whether people have gotten better results from NAP or GGC's Grimoire in terms of attracting money? Am in a situation where I really need money fast. I've been working my little butt off in "the real world," but am not seeing a lot of results from my efforts.

And, why do you think some people -- especially novices -- get better results sometimes than people who have worked with magic for a while? Do more experienced people just overthink it somehow?

There's alot of reasons as to why one type of technique
does not work for a certain type of person.

I tend to think that it's not the technique that's not working,
more like the force you are trying to work with.

For example, it just seems like alot of novices get better
results w/ magick, especially w/ NAP and money but
probably theres a group of people out there who is not
successful and wouldn't post that.

As well, I also tend to think that some people are just
better w/ money magick, while some people are better
w/ protection magick, etc etc. Just like in muggle life,
ones magickal "genetics" (for a lack of a better term)
can factor in what types of magick one is good at.

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