Elubatel and depression

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Elubatel and depression

Post#1 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:37 pm

Here's a thought I have about Elubatel: is the depression people are often experiencing working with him, possibly a sign of the practice and or Elubatel himself, bringing stuff to the surface so you can work on it? Perhaps the depression was lurking beneath the surface anyway, and likely to come up at some point anyway? I'm finding that when I experience post-practice depression, it's about stuff I probably would've been depressed about anyway. I say this as someone who's dealt with clinical grade depression off and on for many years. I know I myself am experiencing post-practice downers - I started practicing again to crawl out of a hole I was in, and Lo and behold, it's made me more aware of the hole! I become more aware of the things I'm unhappy about. Perhaps that's a part of the practice. Perhaps it happens so that we can keep working through those things.

I've experienced this with lots of meditative and high magick type practices, and Buddhist practices. It's like when you run water through an old faucet, and the water is black at first, but eventually it runs clear. My experience has been that you may have losses before you have wins - in order to put you in the path for the wins.
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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#2 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:47 pm

NoxLumina wrote:Here's a thought I have about Elubatel: is the depression people are often experiencing working with him, possibly a sign of the practice and or Elubatel himself, bringing stuff to the surface so you can work on it? Perhaps the depression was lurking beneath the surface anyway, and likely to come up at some point anyway? I'm finding that when I experience post-practice depression, it's about stuff I probably would've been depressed about anyway. I say this as someone who's dealt with clinical grade depression off and on for many years. I know I myself am experiencing post-practice downers - I started practicing again to crawl out of a hole I was in, and Lo and behold, it's made me more aware of the hole! I become more aware of the things I'm unhappy about. Perhaps that's a part of the practice. Perhaps it happens so that we can keep working through those things.

I've experienced this with lots of meditative and high magick type practices, and Buddhist practices. It's like when you run water through an old faucet, and the water is black at first, but eventually it runs clear. My experience has been that you may have losses before you have wins - in order to put you in the path for the wins.

Small, relevant update:
I did have a bit of a downer earlier, that I connected to my work with these spirits, but it was a bit different in character from what I experienced having clinical depression. I decided to sit and write about what was bothering me. Concrete frustrations started bubbling to the surface: how I was going to afford my health care, etc. During the writing, it flipped over and my mood improved. I realized I was actually creating a list of things to work on, and problems to solve. Whereas I'd felt overwhelmed by my problems and unable to even name them (especially after years of being around "positive thinking" types; a lot of "positive thinking" actually amounts to Flippance and emotion stuffing).
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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#3 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 10:08 pm

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

I believe what depression does is to get you to reflect and truly see yourself for what things really are you and the situation around you. Our ego leads to the same kind of thinking and this has created our current circumstance. To see things differently the ego must be taken down and reformed. This leads to depression and introspective journey. If you deny this depression, you get anger rejecting to see yourself and denying anything that might suggest you are the problem.

Have you seen people get angry at you for telling them their flaws?

Elubatel causing depression is quite gentle I believe because he didn't influence anything around you. This is better that than Angelics affecting you and situations around you to cause you to look at yourself, because the consequences of your mistakes, and they keep repeating the same pattern until you admit and learn it.

Just my humble opinion.

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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#4 » Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:40 am

Here's a question - does anyone who talks of experiencing depression related to Elubatel, have experience with major clinical depression?

I am reluctant to call my Elubatel experiences "depression". I've had major depression off and on for years, and have been in therapy and or on meds. Depression is not a downer for a few days in which you don't like anything and feel like everything sucks. You don't snap out of it quickly.

I've had downers related to Elubatel and I snap out of them. Always. To me, that is not what depression is. Depression can affect you cognitively (brain fog, feel less sharp, unable to concentrate or think through things, executive dysfunction) and physically (you may feel tired, achey, ill). It's not a brief drop in mood that lasts for a few days. You may not even think you feel sad; what you feel may in fact just be *nothing*.

Also - Elubatel works a very high energy current, and I find it pretty normal to experience a dropoff in energy (affecting mood, amount of physical energy, etc) after doing high energy magick.

I'd take any post-working downer over actual depression. The Elubatel Blues do not feel to me like actual clinical depression and in fact my depression actually lifts after I do that kind of work. It upgrades to feeling antsy and frustrated and feeling like I WANT things to happen that aren't happening - but it's a better feeling than just feeling a lot of vague feelings of dull apathy and grayness, and easier to pivot upward from.
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#5 » Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:29 pm

NoxLumina wrote:Here's a question - does anyone who talks of experiencing depression related to Elubatel, have experience with major clinical depression?

I am reluctant to call my Elubatel experiences "depression". I've had major depression off and on for years, and have been in therapy and or on meds. Depression is not a downer for a few days in which you don't like anything and feel like everything sucks. You don't snap out of it quickly.

I've had downers related to Elubatel and I snap out of them. Always. To me, that is not what depression is. Depression can affect you cognitively (brain fog, feel less sharp, unable to concentrate or think through things, executive dysfunction) and physically (you may feel tired, achey, ill). It's not a brief drop in mood that lasts for a few days. You may not even think you feel sad; what you feel may in fact just be *nothing*.

Also - Elubatel works a very high energy current, and I find it pretty normal to experience a dropoff in energy (affecting mood, amount of physical energy, etc) after doing high energy magick.

I'd take any post-working downer over actual depression. The Elubatel Blues do not feel to me like actual clinical depression and in fact my depression actually lifts after I do that kind of work. It upgrades to feeling antsy and frustrated and feeling like I WANT things to happen that aren't happening - but it's a better feeling than just feeling a lot of vague feelings of dull apathy and grayness, and easier to pivot upward from.

No...Depression is one thing but chaos is another. This current pushes everything to a head. When in the presence of this current you will know its Elubatel......
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#6 » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:21 pm

summerland wrote:
NoxLumina wrote:Here's a question - does anyone who talks of experiencing depression related to Elubatel, have experience with major clinical depression?

I am reluctant to call my Elubatel experiences "depression". I've had major depression off and on for years, and have been in therapy and or on meds. Depression is not a downer for a few days in which you don't like anything and feel like everything sucks. You don't snap out of it quickly.

I've had downers related to Elubatel and I snap out of them. Always. To me, that is not what depression is. Depression can affect you cognitively (brain fog, feel less sharp, unable to concentrate or think through things, executive dysfunction) and physically (you may feel tired, achey, ill). It's not a brief drop in mood that lasts for a few days. You may not even think you feel sad; what you feel may in fact just be *nothing*.

Also - Elubatel works a very high energy current, and I find it pretty normal to experience a dropoff in energy (affecting mood, amount of physical energy, etc) after doing high energy magick.

I'd take any post-working downer over actual depression. The Elubatel Blues do not feel to me like actual clinical depression and in fact my depression actually lifts after I do that kind of work. It upgrades to feeling antsy and frustrated and feeling like I WANT things to happen that aren't happening - but it's a better feeling than just feeling a lot of vague feelings of dull apathy and grayness, and easier to pivot upward from.

No...Depression is one thing but chaos is another. This current pushes everything to a head. When in the presence of this current you will know its Elubatel......

I've been experiencing something similar to Elubatel, while working with some of the Shem angels as well.
They work extremely directly and without mercy it seems.

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Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#7 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:27 pm

NoxLumina wrote:Here's a question - does anyone who talks of experiencing depression related to Elubatel, have experience with major clinical depression?

I am reluctant to call my Elubatel experiences "depression". I've had major depression off and on for years, and have been in therapy and or on meds. Depression is not a downer for a few days in which you don't like anything and feel like everything sucks. You don't snap out of it quickly.

I've had downers related to Elubatel and I snap out of them. Always. To me, that is not what depression is. Depression can affect you cognitively (brain fog, feel less sharp, unable to concentrate or think through things, executive dysfunction) and physically (you may feel tired, achey, ill). It's not a brief drop in mood that lasts for a few days. You may not even think you feel sad; what you feel may in fact just be *nothing*.

Also - Elubatel works a very high energy current, and I find it pretty normal to experience a dropoff in energy (affecting mood, amount of physical energy, etc) after doing high energy magick.

I'd take any post-working downer over actual depression. The Elubatel Blues do not feel to me like actual clinical depression and in fact my depression actually lifts after I do that kind of work. It upgrades to feeling antsy and frustrated and feeling like I WANT things to happen that aren't happening - but it's a better feeling than just feeling a lot of vague feelings of dull apathy and grayness, and easier to pivot upward from.


Yes to this. What I've gotten from Elubatel is not depression, yet anyway. It is, maybe pretty regularly, lingering or long moments of "what the hell did I get myself into, I'm too busy, I'm have not tended to the things I must be tending to ..." type stuff. That basically is directly related to what I've turned to Elubatel for. I'd say I'm careful about what I call on Elubatel for, though. I don't just toss him a top some other thing like he's Ancho powder and I'm Bobby Flay.

jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Re: Elubatel and depression

Post#8 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:56 pm

I have been invoking Elubatel early in the morning and let me tell you this is a heavyweight spirit.Sometimes I don't really want to get out of bed.Usually I equate success with a "get up and go" attitude but this energy seems to pin me down.Case in point,I recently was offered a chance for a new career opportunity out of the blue.Excited and grateful to Elubatel I kept up the chant same time every morning.Now it seems I'm literally dragging my feet to follow up on this.I am still going to continue with patience and faith but let me tell you that this "blue mood" is very real.

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