Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Nap Success Stories

Post#411 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:20 am

Thank you to Elubatel and Nitika

Phase one complete.

I wanted a temp job to tide me over while I look for a perm position and BINGO!! I have just been told I got a role as facilities administrator at HM Treasury.

That's phase one completed of my plan.

Edit: oh. I was quite surprised when I was informed because even though I new I could do the job easily I seriously thought I'd crapped all over the interview.

Posts: 27

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#412 » Wed May 27, 2015 4:26 pm

Thank you Nitika and mighty Arzel. Always helpful!!!

Posts: 5

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#413 » Thu Jul 09, 2015 1:51 pm

Wanted to give thanks to Arzel, Iaoth, Petahyah, and Opiel for granting me my wishes very quickly. I've heard the expression of the mind being fogged up, but never paid attention to it. After my ritual, within minutes, my mind was clear and I had a very high level of confidence in my task. Success came about as asked for. Thanks again

Posts: 25

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#414 » Fri Jul 10, 2015 1:24 am

:Thank You I also should thank Iaoth, Petahyah and Opiel for helping me help my son and securing him the right EA for next year.

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#415 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:09 pm

Brand new at NAP. Started petitioning Elubatel to ease the way for my family and bring my parents opportunities and allow them to keep their house. Basically, would do the NAP ritual and then do the invocation for success 3x, then when I felt Elubatel was in the room with me (which I did - dang if the NAP spirits aren't the most accessible spirits I've worked with), directly asked him to help my parents. I wasn't very specific, I just asked that they each find something (work, a business idea, whatever) that works for them, and that they get to keep their home.

My stepdad (laid off from his computer job and unable to find work after 30+ years in industry, retirement age but doesn't want to and can't afford to retire, he is also super super educated - his hobby is basically getting degrees and taking classes), right after I started petitioning Elubatel, got contacted by a former professor from when he finished his most recent Master's degree, about interviewing with that professor's friend for a job. In a week things have gone from kind of hopeless to my stepdad being considered for an adjunct professor position. If he gets this job, it won't just be a job to get by, but his LIFE DREAM and the beginning of his new life as an anthropology professor. And just teaching one or two classes will qualify my parents for a mortgage reduction on the house.

His interview is next week. We don't know yet how it will go but I very directly feel my NAP was responsible, as it was the kind of "phone call/random encounter out of the blue" thing that tends to happen when I perform magick for myself.

This is also one of the first times I've done open ended magick - where I don't have a clear picture of what I want to manifest. Not knowing what I wanted or what specific result I wanted to come about, has been my biggest obstacle with my magick - but I'm sold on spirit work now!

Also - these kind of results give credibility to the stories in the book. Which will aid my own magick. (We'll see how magick for myself works - Arzel wants me to cut back on smoking weed :D)

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Adeptus Major
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#416 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:00 am

NoxLumina wrote:This is also one of the first times I've done open ended magick - where I don't have a clear picture of what I want to manifest. Not knowing what I wanted or what specific result I wanted to come about, has been my biggest obstacle with my magick - but I'm sold on spirit work now!


Often by stating absolute goals actually hinders our results especially when it comes to those asks that have nearly incomprehensible variables that affect the outcome. In the case of work, life work, being too specific might get you the job only to find out you really hate it and are miserable.

I think in general our world (what we are told are the "rules") is a complete illusion. We are effectively told we can't ever have X or be happy until certain items are achieved in a specific way. The truth is, we are limitless and when we accept the fact that it's all out there for us, the more we can achieve that is in alignment with true happiness, as opposed to the illusion of happiness we are often sold.
Live lightly.

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#417 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:29 pm

MagiAwen wrote:
NoxLumina wrote:This is also one of the first times I've done open ended magick - where I don't have a clear picture of what I want to manifest. Not knowing what I wanted or what specific result I wanted to come about, has been my biggest obstacle with my magick - but I'm sold on spirit work now!


Often by stating absolute goals actually hinders our results especially when it comes to those asks that have nearly incomprehensible variables that affect the outcome. In the case of work, life work, being too specific might get you the job only to find out you really hate it and are miserable.

I think in general our world (what we are told are the "rules") is a complete illusion. We are effectively told we can't ever have X or be happy until certain items are achieved in a specific way. The truth is, we are limitless and when we accept the fact that it's all out there for us, the more we can achieve that is in alignment with true happiness, as opposed to the illusion of happiness we are often sold.

I'm going to take this to heart. Thanks. I'm not in a space where I can even imagine what my own future looks like, beyond the fuzziest and vaguest outline of details. This gives me more confidence that I can work this system (I've been, for years, brainwashed by certain popular approaches that tell you to envision every detail of what you want) and just ask these Angels and spirits to help me get what I need, even though I'm not even sure what that is. And Lo and behold, I'm starting to have at least a little clarity.

interestingly, the last couple of times, I was very specific toward Elubatel, with regard to my parents. "Please help them keep their house".

My parents just got a letter today informing them of a new mortgage reduction program that they may actually qualify for. That will make a lot of difference!!

Starting to really like spirit work. There are real advantages to it. It helps that I actually do experience signs of the spirits' presence and signs something/someone is there and listening. This is the first magick I've experienced that actually felt magickal. And I used to rely very heavily upon magick. I just chalked it up to "life/mind hacking using symbol sets of one's' choice" forever.
My NEW Magickal Blog: Dreamingflight

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1618

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#418 » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:26 pm

Please do take it to heart because it comes directly from mine.

Energy work/spirit work is a natural occuring thing. We are MADE to be able to interact and interconnect with the many different "fields" or "currents" or "energies" or "spirits" (whichever you like to call them). We are designed perfectly for running our own lives by interacting with the entire world around us, seen, unseen and "other seen";)

I get excited when I see someone opening up to the less strict, less "by all the book" understandings.

What we as humans can do in regards to our life, our health etc is completely natural...we know this as children, by about 10 or 12 years old we are conditioned otherwise. I ended up not being so conditioned. Not because my parents were all that magical or hippies or anything but because no one ever limited me...except my dad if I showed cleavage lol.

I see that you say you were specific when you stated, "Please help them keep their house".

However...actually you were not as specific as you think. You left it open ended. You did not ask for a specific WAY to get the result, simply the result. You left the result up to the spirit or universe. In my experience and view, this is in alignment to part of what I was congratulating you on. :D

Keep it up man, let the universe (spirit, whatever) take that end goal the true end goal and let it form it. Don't put any more conditions on it than is necessary.

You could have said "Please help my parents make more money" and then your mom finds 25.00 in the sock drawer. While this ask is broadly specific you can see how it's too aimless. If you were to have said, "Please help my parents make more money so they can keep their house"... okay but what this does is puts conditions on keeping the house...more money only. We've just narrowed down the results.

You can see where I am going and why "Please help them keep their house" was likely the best choice for this situation.

NoxLumina wrote:
I just chalked it up to "life/mind hacking using symbol sets of one's' choice" forever.

It is so much more big and beautiful than that (you're starting a new journey here) You will see how true that is as you move forward. But make no mistake, it IS about you. Now that you are getting an inkling of new territory, it's easy to get sidetracked back to the old. It's all about how you think of things, as to how you are able to interact and achieve dreams and happiness.

Near as I can figure that is our live and be productive and happy. That's all that matters truly.
Live lightly.

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#419 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:37 pm

Latest: working my goal of relocating back to Los Angeles (my home town) - but I specified strongly that it harm none and only if it is my Will. I also have continuously worked for my parents' success.

They went to my stepsister's wedding in LA this weekend where one of the guests talked to my stepdad about possibly interviewing for a professor job there. He may also be starting as an adjunct at the local community college in two weeks. I have been working for my parents' success and this would not just be a job for him (he was a computer programmer before being forcibly retired) but the start of a new career. He is really happy!

My parents are now wanting to move back, too (which would be one of the easiest possible ways to move, for me - just go with them), and even if they don't do it, it's still a sign of my environment being affected and supporting my will.

Thanks, Arzel and Elubatel!
My NEW Magickal Blog: Dreamingflight

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#420 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:36 pm

Quick update: Stepdad got formally offered the new job (as a professor) today! at the highest pay grade! Thank you, Elubatel and Arzel!
My NEW Magickal Blog: Dreamingflight

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