Romanian Chant: Against the demoness Samca

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Romanian Chant: Against the demoness Samca

Post#1 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:33 am

I ll be retaking my habit of translating the magical chants of my people in English, for a taste in Romanian magic.
We will not go over the ROMANIANS ARE NOT NOT GYPSIES thing, you have google.

SAMCA is very similar to LILITH and many child-snatching demons, down to the Chants used.
She has 19 names: Vestitzia, Navadaraia, Valnomia, Sina, Nicosda, Avezuha, Scorcoila, Tiha, Miha, Grompa, Slalo, Necauza, Hatavu, Hulila, Huva, Ghiana, Gluviana, Prava and Samca.

They vary a lot, just like the names of Lilith and Abyzou. The name AVEZUHA is quite related to ABYZOU.

She appears, according to folklore, like a very skinny and ugly woman with messy hair down to her heels, flascid and shriveled barren breasts, small shiny eyes and fiery tongue, fierce long and sharp nails of the fingers and toes, like claws, large, putrid askew fire-speweing mouth.

She appears close to the Full Moon to children under 4 or birthing women, scares them and terrifies them leaving them scarred for life out of fear.

Her animal forms include inclean animals, always black and often with fiery eyes: hog, dog, hairless cat, spider, etc

Her chant is to be done over three months, three days in each month, over some brandy, and the objects used are a broom straw, a needle and a found whip. I translated it as for a male pacient for the sake of brevity.

N went on his way, on his path he went,
When halfway, a four legged Samca did he meet
Dressed in bears hair, long down to her feet.
As soon as she met him,
His body she made crooked,
His chest she made heavy,
His eyes she made hazy,
His blood did she drink
His flesh did she eat
All his powers took away.
Nobody saw him,
Nobody heard him,
Save for Our Lord s Mother
Up at the gates of Heaven
Saw him and heard him:
-Why do you cry and why do you weep?
-How should i not cry
How should I not weep
When I went on my way
I went upon my path,
Fat and handsome,
When halfway,
A four legged Samca met me,
Dressed in a bear s skin,
My body did made crooked
My chest did made heavy
My blood she drank
My flesh she ate
And nobody heard me
And nobody saw me.
And our Lord s Mother said:
-Go forth to he who knows how to chant
With a broom he will sweep you
From you be departed,
With a needle he will sting it it
And he will pierce it
From you be departed,
With a whip he will whip it
From you be gone
Over the Black Sea he will throw it
Where no priest bells,
to God does not pray
There it shall dine and rest.
And let N remain light,
Clean like the crista rock,
As God made him.
And his mother birthed him!

A purces pe cale, pe carare, N.
Cand, la jumatate cale,
L-a intalnit o Samca cu patru picioare,
Cu par de urs imbracata pana in pamant.
Bine l-a intalnit,
Trupul i-a schimonosit,
Pieptul i-a stricat,
Ochii i-a paienjenit,
Sangele i-a baut.
Carne i-a mancat,
Toate puterile i-a luat.
Nimeni nu l-a vazut,
Nimeni nu l-a auzit,
Numai Maica Domnului
Din poarta cerului
A auzit si l-a vazut
Si l-a intrebat
- Ce te vaicarezi si te cainezi?
- Cum nu m-oi vaicara
Si nu m-oi caina,
Cand am purces pe cale pe carare,
Gras si frumos
Cand la jumatate de cale
M-a intalnit o Samca cu patru picioare,
Cu piele de urs imbracata,
Trupul mi-a schimonosit,
Pieptul mi l-a stricat,
Ochii mi-a paienjenit,
Sangele mi-a baut,
Carnea mi-a mancat,
Si nume nu m-a auzit
Si nime nu m-a vazut!
Si i-a zis Maica Domnului:
- Du-te la cine stie descanta,
Cu matura te-a matura,
De la tine l-a departa,
Cu acu l-a impunge si l-a strapunge,
De la tine s-a duce.
Cu biciul l-a biciui,
De la tine s-a porni,
Peste Marea Neagra l-a arunca,
Unde popa nu toaca,
Lui Dumnezeu nu se roaga.
Acolo sa-i fie cina si odihna
Si N. sa ramaie luminat,
Ca cristalul de curat,
Cum Dumnezeu l-a zidit,
Si ma-sa ce l-a facut!
Do not PM me asking for spells or rituals. Do not PM me asking to be your tutor in magic: after 20-30 people do that and bail on you because they realise it s hard, it gets frustrating. I ll help any other way.

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