Back To NAP After Absence

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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jeff grayhair
Posts: 66

Back To NAP After Absence

Post#1 » Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:23 pm

Hello everybody,
Even though I visit SA almost every morning I have a concern that I need assistance with.
Late 2014/Early 2015 I really got into The Miracle Of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray Cobb.I was in a rut and needed help.By Divine "accident" I came across this book on the web and was able to secure a copy.I was really motivated to work with the entities and to do it consistently even though I never worked Magick before.I started seeing results almost immediately and was really motivated to keep going and my situation I was in started to get much better.
After I started becoming comfortable in my situation I relaxed a bit and was not doing the rituals as often.Eventually I stopped altogether.I knew the rituals worked but just kept on procrastinating(subconcious resistance maybe)?
Now I really want to get back into NAP with both feet.I even started reading the Mystic Grimiore book.The problem is I feel a little intimidated asking these Spirit entities for guidance and help.I feel their attitude might be like "Ha!Now I see you want to contact us again heh?Well tough luck!"I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do.I know Arzel is the gatekeeper so do I approach the ritual as always or what?
Any help is good help.Thank you.

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Re: Back To NAP After Absence

Post#2 » Wed Nov 04, 2015 10:56 pm

I think you sum it all up here "I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do." Well, you should always feel how ever it is you feel. If you feel it, then you're right to feel it, I think. That doesn't mean others would feel it in the same situation.

I have not been super consistent in my practice: exhaustion from the rituals sometimes, just scheduling in the physical world, and laziness. I sometimes ... reflect? ... on my inconsistent practice when contacting Arzel or other spirits, if it is on my mind. I feel like if it is on your mind, if you don't address it will just linger in your mind till you do-- or maybe I'm reading too much into your post.

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Re: Back To NAP After Absence

Post#3 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:59 am

jeff grayhair wrote:Hello everybody,
Even though I visit SA almost every morning I have a concern that I need assistance with.
Late 2014/Early 2015 I really got into The Miracle Of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray Cobb.I was in a rut and needed help.By Divine "accident" I came across this book on the web and was able to secure a copy.I was really motivated to work with the entities and to do it consistently even though I never worked Magick before.I started seeing results almost immediately and was really motivated to keep going and my situation I was in started to get much better.
After I started becoming comfortable in my situation I relaxed a bit and was not doing the rituals as often.Eventually I stopped altogether.I knew the rituals worked but just kept on procrastinating(subconcious resistance maybe)?
Now I really want to get back into NAP with both feet.I even started reading the Mystic Grimiore book.The problem is I feel a little intimidated asking these Spirit entities for guidance and help.I feel their attitude might be like "Ha!Now I see you want to contact us again heh?Well tough luck!"I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do.I know Arzel is the gatekeeper so do I approach the ritual as always or what?
Any help is good help.Thank you.

The doubts the intimidation its all just you man... you call and they will answer. Think of it this way, the away time its a break for you and the spirits. They got their own things to do too you know. Now you are a returning to it, you should be excited to come in contact with the NAP spirits again. Make some appreciation offering if you feel the need to.

If you are familiar with NAP, you can skip the meditation and go directly into invoking Arzel. I normally replace the meditation with exhaling all breath to symbolize death, and inhale as reborn then invoke Arzel. Have a look at raum215's NAP analysis.

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Re: Back To NAP After Absence

Post#4 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:10 am

Now I really want to get back into NAP with both feet.I even started reading the Mystic Grimiore book.The problem is I feel a little intimidated asking these Spirit entities for guidance and help.I feel their attitude might be like "Ha!Now I see you want to contact us again heh?Well tough luck!"I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do.I know Arzel is the gatekeeper so do I approach the ritual as always or what?

These entities are not humans and they don't live in this continuum. You cannot offend them, you cannot snub them, you cannot annoy them, you cannot make them feel any emotion at all except that they will eventually capriciously prank you if you address them in vain too many times. Even this is more a mechanical thing than an emotional thing: The entity is not saying, "Go away, I HATE YOU!" it's simply putting an effective block on someone who calls and texts too much.

"Spells" are not like coins that you put into a slot, thereby collecting a benefit. They are means by which to address creatures that inhabit a different continuum and they're quite different than we are. If you "get the address wrong" by performing the spell improperly, you get no results or undesired results. Whether the "spirit" (I really hate that word, sorry, it's just so vague) "likes" you are not does not really factor in.

Your familiars should like you and you should like them, it's good to have bonds of affection with creatures you address constantly. However, in terms of more complicated entities, you may like one better than another, but be quite certain none of them gives a fig at all about you.

There have been many times in the last few decades where I put aside magic practice for one reason or another. Often such a hiatus will turn out to have been a needed sabbatical that allowed me to integrate and process information. Why should I feel guilty about that? I really doubt if Asmodei or Barbatos or any of those guys is sitting around wondering what happened to Kristi and why she never calls or writes.

"Lust of result" includes a guilty attitude toward spellcasting. Think of how a long-time atheist will mutter a childhood prayer if he's in a tight spot. Even if the "spirits" aren't actually laughing at your guilty hesitancy, it will have an effect on your results.

A bold, inquisitive attitude goes a longer way, and gets better results, in magic.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 752

Re: Back To NAP After Absence

Post#5 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:32 pm

good posts by everyone here.

personally my view is 'this stuff really works, ill only use it when i cannot do it on my own.'

so i ended up using NAP once a month maybe.

its there when u need it, take breaks when u need them, too.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 528

Re: Back To NAP After Absence

Post#6 » Thu Nov 05, 2015 2:32 pm

Actually... it works. However don't do the same ritual for longer than a month. It will backfire. And I don't think they feel abandoned when you stop for a while
life is like walking backwards, you can't see where you are going but you can see where you have been.

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