Candle incident with Elubatel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Candle incident with Elubatel

Post#1 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:22 am

This week, was doing the New Avatar Power Ritual, leading into the Elubatel working. Had a black candle burning with the lights out. After a short while, while on my bed, I would repeat Elubatel out loud and I felt a tingling, palpable warmth, almost like a sort of electrical vibration which was pleasant...simultaneously, the candle flame was roaring and grew much larger and powerful, it seemed. At the end of my session, I couldn’t blow out the candle! I have never been unable to blow out a candle before in my entire life. Finally I had to go get a cup of water to put out the flame. (For background, have been doing some other magick also such as Gallery of Magick, some Hindu and Hoodoo based stuff, even old-fashion prayers to God).

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Re: Candle incident with Elubatel

Post#2 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:02 pm

Interesting. After a successful evocation, you should not blow out the candle. Do this with your own fingers. If it was not a success, or you think it was not a success, blow it out. Otherwise, do it with your own fingers. That is at least how I always do. Someone when I was a 5 year old kid told me that any time you blow out a candle, a sailor would die. Since that time, I very rarely blow out candles. But if you are for some reason not happy about your evocations, do not think about sailors, just blow them out.

Blowing out candles is a ritual. You do it safely when, for example, all sing happy birthday to you, but that singing is essentially a ritual.

Whatever, I would always suggest not to blow out candles. Use fingers.

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Re: Candle incident with Elubatel

Post#3 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:40 pm

I have ritual candles in tall glass containers (Ochùn and Eleguà, Santeria edition) and I used a small sheet of metal to snuff the flames unless I feel it was unsuccessful. I can’t reach the wicks to use my fingers lol

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