An Experience with Elubatel

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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An Experience with Elubatel

Post#1 » Mon Aug 01, 2022 1:33 pm

Hey everyone! So glad the forum is back and, to celebrate, I'm sharing my recent-ish experience with Elubatel, the spirit petitioned in the Miracle of New Avatar in the Chant for Success.

I've used this grimoire for a couple of years now with generally favorable results so, when my life had fallen into a depressing stagnation following a move to another country (which was also aided by magic; encapsulating the old saying of 'be careful what you wish for') I was pretty much at an emotional/mental/and spiritual rock bottom and looking to revive my life before I completely lost my mind.

First, I had been performing the NAP ritual for a little more than a month, every morning, before I decided to perform the Chant for Success and, after performing the ritual, I recorded my notes and didn't really think about it anymore.

Within a couple of weeks- ish started going seriously SOUTH. The darkness before the dawn, the lightning destroying a tower not only built on sand but made of it. I lost my job during a mental health break and almost lost my marriage before finally being forced into the gut wrenching decision to abandon the failing and disastrous overseas experiment to return back home.

I had to accept this death, not only of a lifelong dream but also that part of my ego that considered myself indestructible.

However, upon touching back down in the States bruised and depleted to live with a relative, things began to slowly reassemble. I landed a well paying job in my field (but a different aspect of it) within a month and a half and a spacious two bedroom apartment with a rent that barely dented said salary within three. I rebooted my writing career as well and found myself networking with other authors and experiencing a boost in readership and community engagement. I'm now flush with ideas and plans for future books AND marketing campaigns.

There were still some small sacrifices to make but I was able to rebuild my life and am feeling confident in where I can go from here and made offerings of thanks to Elubatel for bringing me to this point.

It was only after performing the ritual and moving back home that I did some research into other magician's results to find that one piece of advice was to request that Elubatel change one thing at a time, or make changes slowly, but I'm glad I ripped the bandaid off.

So, yep, that's it. Almost a year later and I'm significantly and quantifiably better off than I was at the same time in 2021. I don't want to recommend anyone do anything because results may vary but if you've been considering it- I'd give it a shot and to quote Jurassic Park - Hold onto your butt.


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Re: An Experience with Elubatel

Post#2 » Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:55 pm

:goodpost Great writeup!

And wow, sounds like you rode a whirlwind. But Elubatel really came through. After tearing it all down first. Glad you had such success.


Ars non Fortuna

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Re: An Experience with Elubatel

Post#3 » Wed Sep 07, 2022 3:00 pm

Great testimonial. Calling Elubatel is always a crazy ride. Currently working with him as well to initiate a major change in my life. Your story encourages me. Thank you!

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Re: An Experience with Elubatel

Post#4 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:30 am

Provenant wrote::goodpost Great writeup!

And wow, sounds like you rode a whirlwind. But Elubatel really came through. After tearing it all down first. Glad you had such success.

I think you were the one who made me first realize the ritual was why everything just seemed to explode.

I told you that shit was really going south even though I had done some work from NAP and you asked if I did the Chant for Success. :rofl

I'm glad the testimonial is proving helpful to others. :wub
Deliriously and Deliberately Mortal

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Re: An Experience with Elubatel

Post#5 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:40 am

HermeticOdin wrote:Great testimonial. Calling Elubatel is always a crazy ride. Currently working with him as well to initiate a major change in my life. Your story encourages me. Thank you!

I think it's interesting that Cobb never mentions the Tower/Death moments that so many experience. I did a little poking around and found a website that claims this is because the entity is actually a demon and the approach is what causes the above.

They mentioned "doing research" but didn't provide any citations for their conclusions. (which always strikes me as a little bit off)

But I am reminded of the magicians who SEEMED to have easy fortune only for shite to go horribly wrong when a debt comes due, whatever that debt may be. And, frankly, I'd rather pay and clean up debris up front.

I'm also reminded of this fable;

"Aesop, Fables 535 (from Life of Aesop 94) :

"Zeus once ordered Prometheus to show mankind the two ways: one the way of freedom and the other the way of slavery. Prometheus made the way of freedom rough at the beginning, impassable and steep, with no water anywhere to drink, full of brambles, and beset with dangers on all sides at first. Eventually, however, it became a smooth plain, lined with paths and filled with groves of fruit trees and waterways. Thus the distressing experience ended in repose for those who breath the air of freedom. The way of slavery, however, started out as a smooth plain at the beginning, full of flowers, pleasant to look at and quite luxurious, but in the end it became impassable, steep and insurmountable on all sides."

I wish you all of the success and good fortune in your road ahead.
Deliriously and Deliberately Mortal

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: An Experience with Elubatel

Post#6 » Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:55 pm


As a general rule of thumb a name that ends in 'El' roughly translates to 'of God'. Which is why most angelic names end in El. For that reason I can't imagine that Elubatel is demonic. However, that obviously doesn't mean it's something to be taken lightly either, as you and many others have experienced. I can't recall what Elubatels name means (though it's no doubt here somewhere), but it's worth noting that not everything from God is light and love. Take Samael for example, which roughly translates to, 'poison of God'. So there's that.

Also, I'm assuming from your use of the word 'shite' that you are Irish? :lol:

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