what am i doing wrong!!

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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what am i doing wrong!!

Post#1 » Sat Apr 24, 2010 11:45 pm


i don't want to go into much background. and get straight to the point.

i have no idea what i'm doing wrong.

Cross Ritual
Middle Pillar
Borneless One
Chant to excite love

i've read the book over 10 times, i've read all the stories, i've read every single post about NAP on this forum. i read how people feel energy doing the middle pillar. but i don't feel any energy. i'm also not getting any results.

lets get things straight. i'm not some tween trying to get a quick spell for love. okay i'm 24 i've been into magik/the occult since i was 14.

i have a target girl. now the way the books successes stories sounds, the guy does it one night. and by the next morning the target is head over heels in love and wanting to spend the rest of her life with him.. but so far i've gotten nothing.

as i'm saying the Chant to excite love. i'm trying to picture my target girl. being in love. kissing holding each other.. you know things of that nature. but so far nothing...

and i do know the target girl, she works at one of the places i teach music at, she also doesn't have a boyfriend

i do have a very hard time with visualizing. my mind is always wandering, and i try to focus but i have a hard time... thats why i recorded myself saying the NAP ritual.. but i've not felt any strong energy surge with that either.. or trance like state

i have no idea what i'm doing wrong..

i'm much obliged to everyone who has advice

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#2 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:29 am


Perhaps you should hire a great spell caster.

Call upon another magician for help.

And relax and leave the driving to them. :)



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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#3 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:49 am

Any spell you do must be followed through by mundane actions if the spell is to be successful. Magic opens doors, but you have to walk through them. You describe in great detail the magic that you're doing, but nothing about your subsequent interaction with the girl, which makes me suspect there hasn't been much if any. If you're expecting her to break into your house and climb into bed with you, I'm afraid you're doomed to frustration in more ways than one. You may not be the only one who doesn't want to make the first move despite feeling attraction.
Last edited by catmackenna on Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
'Visit The Paranormal Dimension http://paranormaldimension.blogspot.com - "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Frater KM
Posts: 239

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#4 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 8:56 am

Ditto catmackenna. Magick is as much transformation of the self as it is anything outside of you. It doesn't matter how many spells you cast, if you're a loser, she still won't want you. Well, there are chicks that for some reason go after losers, but you wouldn't be here if this was that kind of case. On top of the magick, you have to go and get her.
Liber AL vel Legis I:3 "Every man and every woman is a star".

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#5 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:10 am

Ditto the comments above.

However, I did have a woman barge into my house once

after performing the Overwhelming Good Luck Is Mine Ritual a few times.

The important thing to remember is to balance action in the mundane world,

with magical workings that plant irresistible suggestions in the cosmos,

to quote author Frater Malak.

The idea with these books like NAP and the MG is that you make contact

with your Deep Mind and Higher Self.

However, after doing that I suggest that you somehow stay grounded

in reality and take some real physical actions.

Perhaps ask this girl out for coffee or some activity that you know she likes...





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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#6 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:55 am

BrotherButterball wrote:Ditto the comments above.

However, I did have a woman barge into my house once

after performing the Overwhelming Good Luck Is Mine Ritual a few times.

Did the woman's barging into your house bring you good luck, or, maybe I should ask, did you get lucky?
'Visit The Paranormal Dimension http://paranormaldimension.blogspot.com - "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#7 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:37 pm

catmackenna wrote:
BrotherButterball wrote:Ditto the comments above.

However, I did have a woman barge into my house once

after performing the Overwhelming Good Luck Is Mine Ritual a few times.

Did the woman's barging into your house bring you good luck, or, maybe I should ask, did you get lucky?

I had requested from the spirit, Bodiel, who serves under Barbatos,

that I wanted to meet a beautiful woman lover.

At the time I was sitting on my ass and not pursuing women.

So, this woman knocked on my door and barged in and shook my hand,

thinking that I was holding some sort of business meeting.

I was almost literally in shock.

But to answer your question, Cat, no I did not get lucky.

Just a bit surprised.




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Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#8 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:51 pm

BrotherButterball wrote:I had requested from the spirit, Bodiel, who serves under Barbatos,

that I wanted to meet a beautiful woman lover.

At the time I was sitting on my ass and not pursuing women.

So, this woman knocked on my door and barged in and shook my hand,

thinking that I was holding some sort of business meeting.

I was almost literally in shock.

But to answer your question, Cat, no I did not get lucky.

Just a bit surprised.


This sounds like it could be an example of getting results from your magic, but not recognizing them and going through the "door" magic literally opened for you. Our magical "failures" may result more from our own failures than from our magic's.
'Visit The Paranormal Dimension http://paranormaldimension.blogspot.com - "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

Posts: 54

Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#9 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:35 pm

Yes, I agree with cat... I have tried to do some work, I have goals, I have fantasies and I believe that dealing with magick can lead you towards actually achieving them... but I also blame myself for all the failures. I have gotten some results that are also hard to interpretate or even prove, but that gave me some boost and I am willing to learn more and achieve even more...
And of course it all goes to you guys on this forum... I would never ever thought that such things could actually work if it werent for you and this forum with so much info and testimonials...
And regarding NAP: Liderc, don't give up on NAP! I cannot say that it worked for me, but I had some movement and I think with a little more effort from my side but also from Nitika to whom I called (i am thinking about rather focusing on Elubatel) all my wishes and goals can come true... So don't give up! It is a wonderful system! Maybe you should try with a little more difficult Mystic Grimoire, also from the same author...

Stay in touch!


Re: what am i doing wrong!!

Post#10 » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:00 am

Magic and love can work but it is only part of the battle espeically with the way society is today everything is upsidedown. One must be able to win a girl over using charm and some sort of connection and then asking spirits to bless the realtionship with love and happieness I beleive is the best route. Looking to just snach a lady up with little to no foundation work is a crap shoot in my mind and in some cases will not last very long. So if you are looking for some quick sex by all means continue to use this but I would not nessesarrily direct it to one woman only.

If you think magic is a tuff thing to crack. Women are a close second and there is always something to learn lol.

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