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Please Help

Post#1 » Thu May 29, 2008 9:36 am

Me and my GF recently attended a paranormal investigation with a group of other people in an old manor house in east London. We wandered around the house when we arrived and peformed base line tests and tried to establish a layout to the house, during this time myself and my GF both experienced phenomena in the attic area which was occupied by staff when the house was originally inhabited, i felt that i was being followed around and i kept on seeing water underground in my mind, she could smell something that reminded her of a dead relative the atmosphere up there was definately charged, in one of the smaller rooms this charged atmosphere was particulary strong and in one position you could feel mild electric shocks shooting up your legs. As the evening progressed the group returned to the room and we proceeded to perform a seance after a few minutes almost like someone had flicked a switch everyone (about 6 people) in the side of the room i was in felt as if the room was tilting away from the other half so much so that i almost fell over, this lasted for a minute or so and then faded away but the room felt "electric".
Shortly after we were joined by a medium who told us that someone in the past had been violently raped and a summoning ritual had been performed in that room and pointed out were the seal he could see was painted on the floor and that there was a well or something directly underneath it below the house (underground water), this was the same spot were we could feel the elecric shocks in our legs, he then told us that he could see a being entirly covered in hair and explained that he thought it was there to ward off evil and the seal may have something to do with it.
As i walking down the stairs to leave this area of the house i felt a sharp stabbing pain on my back in the area of my shoulder blade as if something was jamming there finger nail in there and pushing me down the stairs with it.

What i need to know is what this seal is, all i can find is the symbol carved on the side of masonic lodges, i have some knowledge of what the masons are really about and am sure it is a magik seal.
Any answers???

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