NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

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NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#1 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:10 pm

Ok for about a month everyday now been reciting every invocation/ritual/word of power to keep trailer park trash monsterous teenagers & neighbors away & off my property & the middle of my dead end, so far its been OK holding steady (not looking for perfection but peace of mind till these demon seeded hemorhoids go back to school and stop congregating and run amok near my home causing terror, littering my bushes with cups and cans from the local 7 11, & inviting new terrors to cause more problems in my neighborhood).

Well I know I'm not suppose to use NAP for tons of different intentions at once but now have a very NEW & OLD problem.

About 2 years ago our home was being egged every 2 to 3 times per month, thought it was a bored set of HS teenagers trying to scare our family as their local past time. So I picked up the egg shells 2 years ago threw them in a small plastic containers & sucessfully froze them & their activities out (even though I have no idea whom or who they are?) It worked very well for a time being.
But now not sure if karma is trying to pay me back in kind for trying to rid the demon seeded hemorrhoids away from me mentioned above by doing these invocations/rituals/word of powers daily but last night at around 3:30am while asleep I woke up to a massive pelting of eggs on the lower level of my home and heard a car slowing and speeding out of our dead end area.

PS woke up to a massive vista of half carton of eggs dried in humid summertime heat from last night that I can't seem to clean away at all my hands are drying off using so much warm white vinegar and newspapers to clean my windows off. Though my other neighbor did find an egg carton he said on his way to get his morning paper today :thinking , so now I'm thinking since law enforcement can't seem to help me out for squat, would it be too much of a NAP overload to find a spell/invocation to annihilate these hidden enemies???

I can't seem to find the ritual/invocation to use on hidden enemies from NAP? Has anyone tried the hidden enemies NAP spell or have had any success with it? Is there spell for hidden enemies to stop their activities right in their tracks with NAP? I might need to reprint the book in its entirety unless I am missing pages or could anyone else suggest another book with a bit more strength to put an immediate stop to this and bring a bit of payback back to the egg throwing nonsense once and for all...the freezing spell feels more like a band aid method for my taste. I need something to punish & stop the egg throwing once and for all cause I have no idea who or which group is doing this?

A big :Thank You to all who have taken the time to read this and help me with my plight.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#2 » Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:52 pm

You probably want to use the NAP Defensive Armor Ritual and then the Psychic Guided Missile Ritual. I have used them. I did get results, but not as "devastating" as I had hoped for. I will send you a PM.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#3 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:06 pm

" Well I know I'm not suppose to use NAP for tons of different intentions at once "
I know someone who uses a few whenever they are doing their rituals and it doesnt weaken what they are doing, i mean its not like its comin from your energies or something & even then, but you can use the Offensive Armour Ritual , the modified version of the Defensive Armour Ritual by BrotherButterBall.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#4 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:29 am

If the kids are known to you, you could try a binding spell.
I would use the defensive armor ritual and then the attack ones listed above. I think you need to go beyond NAP for this.

Have you thought of hidden security cameras (CCTV) that might be able to pick up the number plate of the car or get a lock on the faces of the kids involved.?

Can I ask WHY these idiots are so intent on doing this?

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#5 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:43 pm

Slater wrote:If the kids are known to you, you could try a binding spell.
I would use the defensive armor ritual and then the attack ones listed above. I think you need to go beyond NAP for this.

Have you thought of hidden security cameras (CCTV) that might be able to pick up the number plate of the car or get a lock on the faces of the kids involved.?

Can I ask WHY these idiots are so intent on doing this?

Axeezo, thank you for your reply back will keep that in mind, just always feel like I am fighting off reprecussions of what I do magickally just a bit apprehensive I guess... but thank you all the same for helping me answer my question.

Slater, these grown trailer trash park college/highschool level demon seeds with lots of time and bored out of their mind WITH drivers licenses are hidden to me. I have no idea whom they are and WHY they are so VERY intent are almost breaking & destroying my windows with liquid chicken that I seem to clean up every other weekend or weekday (yes even though they are eggs I am terrified they will move up to throw rocks at us if cameras were to be installed on every corner of our home).

I have however gathered the shells from last Saturday's egg attack and put them in a container with war water, four thieves vinegar, sulfur, peppercorns & a few other spices to bring pain and complete mayhem to these little demons lives and have frozen out the eggshells in this mixture. I use the egg shells cause its the only thing that links me to them physically that they have touched. I of course threw a pair of gloves on, collected the shells and am freezing the hell out of them :twisted: . I know a freezing spell is elementary type of spell at best BUT am looking for something to bring these "hidden enemies" to their knees I want to make them hurt & make them my play thing should they even venture towrads or near my home again. Today is Saturday here, not sure how I'm going to sleep and wonder if I will get a visit from these half azzed wannabe criminals but I wish I could have a reading done to figure out if these vandals will be caught by the police or NOT?

I don't feel I can use a binding type spell either Slater, first off because I've tried a few it didn't work for me and since they are "hidden" I have nothing personal of them to bind and annihilate them physically. I even tried a few chants & spells from my arsenal to veil and cloak my home to become invisible for them or at least make them hurt real bad if they try lifting and egg out of the carton to aim at my home, let's just say it didn't take (unless someone else can make my home invisible to them for me, I'm fresh outta luck). Gotta say these hidden hemorrhoids are persistent slippery suckers & I use my anger to nurture these spells even further BUT to no avail haven't been successful in permanently shutting them down :x . The police refuse to send out any more patrol cars out around here since they have no idea when they strike and its costing them my hard earned tax money for them not to try and get up off their azzes to help me with this. I can't really shoot anyone cause I can't keep a shot gun in my home in these parts laws and stuff get in the way.

That being said they hit my home with eggs, stop for a little while and pick right back up with their egg throwing activities. Short of planting myself in my car and waiting for these demon seeds I have not been able to catch a license plate or their faces or how many they have grown to be gang wise. I have never had this problem before NEVER In the many years I have lived here. And I refuse to move out of my home to make these little criminals happy, nah I will bring the pain and I want them to feel it in there bones (not sure how I am going to accomplish this though?). :twisted: I have no idea why my home is the one being chosen to be violated like this, am I some random house or is it because I'm on a corner, or part of a dead end on a corner??? For the life of me I don't understand why my home is being targeted???

And to be honest I don't have $100 much less $600 to have CCTV type night vision infared motion detecting cameras mounted up or installed myself. My family feel that installing cameras will aggravate these demons to throw more heavier things like rocks and maybe even chemical type things out at windows or our home. Already had a massive fight with my relatives and told them I would try and buy the cameras if they help me install it short of getting into a physical altrecation with them I zipped my mouth up and let it be.

So the closet thing I am working to bring a stop to this is NAP without the family finding out my magickal side of life. :roll: Was just worried that overworking NAP for different intentions at the same time would bring me to a karmic reprucussion like...I'm doing rituals/invocations to keep the known teenaged neighbors away from my property and banish them to keep from playing basketball at all hours of the night congregating near my property, and so far I'm happy camper BUT wondering if I am paying karmically for this by having my home egged, you see what I am saying? Will I land in deeper magickal dookie if I throw another intention in my NAP rituals to annihilate the egg throwing criminals on the magickal BBQ so to speak???

:Thank You Slater so much for reading my post and replying back to me as well.

Posts: 182

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#6 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:27 pm

Can you borrow or take care of someone else's big dog for a few months?

A dog will wake up and bark like crazy as soon as he hears anything outside at night.

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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#7 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:11 am

You could try fake security signs at the edge of your property. They won't know you don't have the cameras.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#8 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 3:20 am

There is another thing you could try, and although it's counter intuitive, it might work.

My idea is to send blessings their way...positive work...based on the notion that these little creeps are already in messed up situations and perhaps doing something that could lead to peace within themselves and feeling better about their own plight, may in fact result in cessation of their faux-war games? What do you think?

I've recently come to regret some negative work I have thrown someone's way and I think if had approached it from a positive perspective, things might be running closer to how I'd like it to be now. Just food for thought anyway

Posts: 337

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#9 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:28 am

Slater wrote:There is another thing you could try, and although it's counter intuitive, it might work.

My idea is to send blessings their way...positive work...based on the notion that these little creeps are already in messed up situations and perhaps doing something that could lead to peace within themselves and feeling better about their own plight, may in fact result in cessation of their faux-war games? What do you think?

I've recently come to regret some negative work I have thrown someone's way and I think if had approached it from a positive perspective, things might be running closer to how I'd like it to be now. Just food for thought anyway

I think that's wise advice, and I've seen it work on humans, animals and spirits.

I think it's worth considering in light of the energies. That is, if the kids are all heated up, chaotic, over-energized and rowdy, applying a giant pool of cool-calm-peace-quiet to the vicinity might be very effective, as might an "invisibility" type working, where you make yourself and your property uninteresting to them. What you want is for them to be calm, quiet, and not near you, right? So you could make *that* the target of your magickal work, rather than joining the frenzy and adding more fire to the overheated situation.

There are times when wrathful lightning bolts are the right solution, but sometimes they just add more chaos to an already high-energy situation.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: NAP for zapping/destroying hidden enemies?

Post#10 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:59 am

as might an "invisibility" type working, where you make yourself and your property uninteresting to them

I like that too.

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