Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#261 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:17 pm

I had a success with the rekindle mates intrest.

Did it only once after me and my girlfriend broke up, burned incence as a thanks after.

The result was almost like a click in reality, me and my ex, we parted on semi bad terms, but she suddenly messages me that she is horny and wants me. This was within hours, and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. My feelings for her also grew suddenly.

In the end it did not work out between us, but we remain good friends.

This really work if you do the work.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#262 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:18 am

johnblend wrote:I had a success with the rekindle mates intrest.

Did it only once after me and my girlfriend broke up, burned incence as a thanks after.

The result was almost like a click in reality, me and my ex, we parted on semi bad terms, but she suddenly messages me that she is horny and wants me. This was within hours, and my jaw almost dropped to the floor. My feelings for her also grew suddenly.

In the end it did not work out between us, but we remain good friends.

This really work if you do the work.

I like this story because this shows that even if magick can help you seduce a person,
it doesn't mean you will find true love.

Thanks for sharing and :goodpost

Posts: 398

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#263 » Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:54 pm

Grats johnblend :Welcome , and I agree mrblack :geek:

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#264 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:50 pm

Hey, does anyone else have success stories about the chant to excite love, and then particularly when used for someone you haven't seen in a while, an old friend, let's say. There is one link between us - a phone number. Is it possible to receive a call?

thnx, Morgan

Posts: 56

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#265 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:47 pm

Silenciumetaurum wrote:
kingsolomon wrote:S+A what is your ritual structure?
are you praying before the NAP point A. or are you going by the book
I've had small successes, but none quite like yours.
Im starting to believe the key to success with NAP is previous magickal experience along with a build up of knowledge of magickal energy

My routine is fairly by the book:

1. NAP Power Ritual to Point A.
2. Central Pillar (including the NAP version of the Circulation and Fountain)
3. NAP Bornless Invocation.
4. Chant / Invocation
5. Seal with Dee Hay Thooth.

Don't go into it with any expectations other than that you want to move some energy in that particular direction. Keep a notebook and be mindful of your results. Sometimes it can be easy to overlook the results that are manifesting.

Ok its good to see this. I thought we had to chant/invocation first. I will try this and see how it works for me. Hopefully I will have a success story to share. How long does it take for you to complete all of this?

Posts: 371

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#266 » Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:16 pm

Hey guy's just thought I'd share a little success I enjoyed today:

I began doing a working to find an awesome job with a friend who lives in a neighboring country. We did a chaos magick ritual in which we co-created a thoughtform, and them empowered it's sigil. We then sent it out to help us have awesome jobs.

My friend received a call from his old workplace, and later his girlfriend's workplace. Within a week he had his awesome new job, working with his girlfriend. He was also approached to teach drum lessons for a neighbor's son. And he's paid pretty well for a few one hour lessons a week.

I waited, but no dice. Despite my having put out resumes at places that were presently hiring, including my brother's workplace.

So I pulled out the ol'NAP and got to work doing the chant for success. I did some impromptu rituals with Elubatel and sympathetic magic. I wrote a kamea for Elubatel, and next to it I wrote an incantation which I recited and then turned into a sigil. I offered a strawberry smoothie.

Over the next few days I did a number of these freestyled rituals in conjunction with offerings of smoothie, and reciting sections from the NAP text. (I did use the NAP framework, but incorporated some other methods, such as sigils, kamea, etc.)

I was inspired where to go to apply, while out for a walk. Neither place was advertising a position. I just walked in, resume in hand and asked if they were hiring presently. One said yes, the second (by whom I'd later be hired) said he didn't know for sure, but thought he had heard something about it. Soon found myself with two interviews. After the initial interviews I was called by both. Then it was up to me to decide which was best.

Oh, I ought to mention, about the second interview (at the place I later decided I'd work at.)

I went to the place, and asked if the manager was in presently, as I was scheduled to have an interview with her. The guy disappeared into the back. A moment later he came out with a broad smile, gesturing me to go in.

I stepped through the door to be greeted by an attractive lady. She was well dressed in a casual way, thin, long sandy brown hair and 29 years old. She shook my hand immediately and we locked eyes. Her grip was one of those perfectly frim, but not squeezing-your-hand firm handshakes. We stepped into her office and she closed the door gesturing for me to sit.

It was a small office, but by no means cramped. There were even some inflated balloons occupying some of the higher shelves, which were otherwise empty. It was clearly well kept. But the plastic dinosaur next to her laptop and colourful balloons on the shelves made it feel very laid back.

She was all smiles, and very friendly. She informed me normally she has a list of questions prepared for her interviews. But she forgot them that day. She was at a loss, not exactly sure how to proceed without her list. She nonchallantly told me she planned to go and get them for her other interviews latter the same day. But for now we'd be fine.

She was very informal and squat in her chair with her legs crossed at the ankles, elbows resting on her knees. I'f this woman was 6 years younger... Oh my.

Right to casual business we went. She asked me fairly usual question and informed me about a few things. We chatted and I told her a short story about working in a food court. It was by far the most casual job interview I ever had. (That is saying something too, as all but two of the interviews I've had were quite informal.)

She already knew I had been interviewed at the other place and was likely to be offered a job there. So she asked I give her a call the following day, once I'd made my decision. Yeah, my decision! :D

I asked Elubatel to aid me in choosing. I planned to use the pendulum. But instead, I was shown how to decide which job was best for me, by the manager of the place I later chose to work at. She brought up the various pros and cons of working with her. Told me how she puts together the schedule and a bunch of other factors I hadn't considered.

Anyways, I walked out very confident I'd have a job. I was quite pleased.

Last night, before sleep I used methods from the VGW Lucky Hoodoo papers, in conjunction with NAP. I aimed to compel the manager to hire me. (She had said she'd make her decision on who to hire the 20th.)

The following morning (earlier today,) I did one last ritual. Using the NAP framework, I did an ad-lib consecration of a piece of paper as the manager, and a sharpie pen as an implement of my will. I wrote out the names of various NAP spirits as I read their associated text from the book. I sealed it up with the names of power and then my own seal.

Then I folded the paper towards myself several times reciting an ad-libbed incantation to the effect of "may she be folded toward me, bent to my will..." Then I made another offering of smoothie and stuck the paper in the waistband of my undies.

I showered, groomed and put on sympathetic colors. I gave thanks to Elubatel and others for all my success' so far and offered the last swig of smoothie.

Then I called the place I wanted to work. The manager wasn't in. I elected to leave a message. But then I changed my mind on a whim, called back and asked when she would be in next. The guy said he didn't know. I said "ok, um never mind the message I left earlier." I said. The guy on the other end of the line the suddenly recalled the manager was at her other store and gave me the number. I thanked him and hung up. I was a little anxious at this point. But the feeling of the folded paper against my skin, stuck in the waistband was reassuring. (Hence why I put it there.)

Next, I rang the number the guy gave me. The manager had left a few minutes prior, to pick up an employee. She would be back shortly. "Would you like to leave a message?" The girl on the line asked me. I agreed, and just gave my name, and number for a call back. I sat down for a bit and watched some propaganda (News, I think most people call it.)

It turns out the Pirate Party is getting some voters behind it. People like their "internet freedoms" and file sharing. Let us stick it to the megacorps and abolish certain aspects of copyright. Also, let us be sure to neuter anything else that looks anything like ACTA, SOPA or PIPA :whistle

The phone rang. It was the manager. She was excited, giddy it seemed. We chatted a bit, I informed her I thought she was offering me a better opportunity than the other folks. She hired me then, (!!!!!) despite having said she'd be making her decision 2 days from now. In fact, she still has interviews to do tomorrow. I was elated. I tried to stay calm and asked about the dress code. She gave the details, and asked when I'd like to start working. (When ever is most convenient for me, she said.) We swapped a few more words and I got off the phone with a big grin.

Thank you, Iaoth, Petahyah, Opiel, Elubatel, Anael and Jazar! OH, and thank you also, Pector.

Oh yeah. Also, my new job is located at a crossroads a few minutes walk from my home. I thought that was interesting, as my last job was also, at a crossroads, next to my home.

I called the other place and let them know I'd taken a job. But thanked them for the time and opportunity. The lady was pretty pissed though. I was the only person she had interviewed for the position!

For anyone that want's to use NAP in conjunction with other methods this is how I do it:

1. QC (Atoh, Eheiheh, Malkuth, Ve Gebura, Ve Gedula, Le Olam, Amen)

2. Relax (Point A, Ankar YHVH)

3. QC + Circulate the NAP

4. Consecrate a piece of paper and pen (your way.)

5. Recite the NAP incantation or chant or words of power as per the book.

6. As you recite the Name of the Spirit, write it out on the paper. (You can write the incantation too if you like.)

7. Make a sigil on the paper (your way, optionally you can also make a kamea.)

8. Place the visualized sigil/kamea in the appropriate NAP Power Gate(s) vibrating the names of the spirits and words of power. (If you are using both, you might want to draw the sigil over the kamea.)

9. Meditate on the sigil/kamea in the Power Gate (your way, I suggest focusing on the sigil in the power gate while reciting the words of the kamea like a mantra.)

Finish up your ritual as you see fit. The paper is now a talisman! You can use it however you see fit. Burn it, bury it, carry it on your person, etc.

You could also use a photograph instead of a paper. Or, if you are feeling ambitious, use a container of some sort.
We look to the moon, rather than grasping the finger tip. Image

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Posts: 50

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#267 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:21 pm

Redbeard wrote:Hi guys,

Finally joined the site after a few months of reading the various topics. Starting to move from theory into practice, which feels great. Read NAP after seeing it mentioned here and performed the ritual with Nitika (including "in a way that harms none"). Within 4 days I received an unexpected email from an old ex-boyfriend saying that he was getting paid some royalties (£140) from work he did in the UK, but as he no longer has a UK bank account he may as well get it transferred to my account. Pretty rad.

Hope to get more involved in the forum. Great resource!



Nitika is pretty amazing huh, isn't he? It's no wonder he's called the Genius of Wealth. :P

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#268 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:34 pm

mochagoddess38 wrote:...
1. NAP Power Ritual to Point A.
2. Central Pillar (including the NAP version of the Circulation and Fountain)
3. NAP Bornless Invocation.
4. Chant / Invocation
5. Seal with Dee Hay Thooth.

Ok its good to see this. I thought we had to chant/invocation first. I will try this and see how it works for me. Hopefully I will have a success story to share. How long does it take for you to complete all of this?

Be comfortable, relax yourself and take your time to finish it. Until you are more adept with NAP, try not to rush.

Each step listed above in S+A are found in NAP which will instruct you why it's necessary to start the engine from Pt.1 to 5.

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Posts: 50

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#269 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:43 pm

Nagual-Hoor-Lam wrote:Hey guy's just thought I'd share a little success I enjoyed today:

So I pulled out the ol'NAP and got to work doing the chant for success. I did some impromptu rituals with Elubatel and sympathetic magic. I wrote a kamea for Elubatel, and next to it I wrote an incantation which I recited and then turned into a sigil. I offered a strawberry smoothie....

Congrats on your success. :D

May i know if the sigil was part of your thoughtform or did you borrowed it from one of the post in EM?

7. Make a sigil on the paper (your way, optionally you can also make a kamea.)

8. Place the visualized sigil/kamea in the appropriate NAP Power Gate(s) vibrating the names of the spirits and words of power. (If you are using both, you might want to draw the sigil over the kamea.)

9. Meditate on the sigil/kamea in the Power Gate (your way, I suggest focusing on the sigil in the power gate while reciting the words of the kamea like a mantra.

Did you tried without the sigil and if so, was there any differences?

Posts: 371

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#270 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:46 pm

I did indeed borrow the kamea and sigil from this post.

I had success with Elubatel before, using just the chant and offerings. So I figured I'd try to make NAP more my own.
We look to the moon, rather than grasping the finger tip. Image

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